The Flight

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Flight Attendant: The flight begins in 5 minutes. Please buckle your seatbelts, put your phones on Airplane Mode and No Smoking. Thank You.

Lea: You gonna say something, Natalie?

Natalie: Nope. My mouth is closed. Wait till we get there.

Lea: Alright.. *sigh*

Andrew: This is the seating order. Kinda mixed up, but okay. First row from the right, Shiny and Fira. Middle row, Andrea, Mace and Natalie. Last row, Lesley and Chais. In front of the middle row, another middle row, where Lea and Zephy are seated, and another girl, who they don't know sits between them. She wears black sunglasses and a long blue dress. Not gonna lie. She looks like a spy! The airplane takes off and they are high in the air after a while. How long is the flight?

Natalie: About 13 hours.

Shiny: *surprised* 13 HOURS?!

Chais: Where are we going? To the other side of the World?

Natalie: Apparently, yes.

Lesley: Stop talking like that.

Natalie: Do you mean my plain talk?

Lesley: Yes! Stop that!

Natalie: I am sorry if it irritated you. I will stay quiet.

Lesley: *to herself* I really shouldn't say anything.

Andrew: In 1 hour, the air hostess came.

Air Hostess: Do you want anything to eat or drink?

Andrew: They all ordered some things and the A.H. moves on.

Natalie: The food tastes so.. pale!

Zephy: It is! It is because our bodies are pressurized. We can't taste sweetness or saltiness as well on land as on an airplane due to altitude and pressure, as well as a lack of humidity. Cabin air also decreases our ability to smell, and tasting is as much about our nasal passages as it is like our taste buds.

??????: Smart explanation.

Zephy: Uh.. thanks?

Natalie: Oh! No wonder it is so pale! Thanks for explaining!

Zephy: No problem.

Andrew: After 3 hours, Shiny, Lesley and Natalie fell asleep. Shiny slept on the window. Lesley backed up her chair. And Natalie, being in the middle row and helpless, laid her head on Mace's shoulder. The air ho-

Lea: Andrew, Shh!

Andrew: Oh, sorry! The air hostess came in a while.

A.H: Need any pillows or blankets?

Fira: Yes, please.

Andrew: After they all took a pillow and blanket, they covered their friends.

Mace: Andrea? Do you think Natalie is comfortable?

Andrea: I think she's fine.

Mace: I don't see that she is.

Andrew: Mace was in doubt. She knew that her friend was not in a comfortable position. So she carefully placed Natalie's head on her lap and covered her. Great job, Mace!

Mace: Thank you!

Andrew: After 3 hours, Shiny and Lesley woke up. But Mace had slept.

Shiny: Fira? Airplane? *gasp* Where am I? Oh, wait. I'm travelling. Heheh. *stretches*

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