familiar face

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"I can't believe you made me watch that movie again! It's not even that good" I turn to my friend Hailey and look her in the eyes to see she's grinning

"TAKE IT BACK!!!!! IT IS THE BEST" I shout making her laugh as we walk into target. We are having a girls day and sleepover, and I spent all day making her watch IT, a new movie that just came onto Prime. 

"Your lucky I'm coming, I wanted to watch another movie" I say as we start walking around,

"O my lord y/n its a girls day we have to go shopping" She rolls her eyes and grabs my hand, pulling me around the store. We just ate at McDonalds, and I was suckered into going to Target.why am I here? I ask myself as I get dragged around the store

"HAILEY I HAVE A QUESTION!" I shout as we sprint down the aisles,

"WHAT" She shouts back

"Have you ever heard of a staph infection?!?!" I say, making all the hand movements. She falls to the floor in defeat

"Nooooooooo not another reference" She is rolling around on the floor while I laugh at her when someone taps me on the shoulder. 

"That was pretty good, Kaspbrak" I turn around to see a familiar but unfamiliar face. thats Jack frickin Grazer. I laugh a little, trying to hide my nervousness, 

"Thanks!" I try not to stare too longingly into his brown eyes. The boy I've had a crush on for years, whom I talk about constantly, is literally right in front of me. From behind me I hear Hailey bolting up, still laughing.

"I'm Hailey, this is y/n and she thinks your really hot and talks about you all the time" She says smirking at me. My face goes bright red and I turn around and kick her in the shin, "OW" Jack laughs a little and soon other boys are walking toward us. 

"oh y/n here's Chosen, Jeremy, Finn, Jaeden and Wyatt" They all wave and I wave back with one hand, using the other to slap a hand over Hailey's mouth before she can embarrass me. She licks my hand, making me scream and wipe it on her.

"We just watched it for like the five billionth time today cus y/n is obsessed and never stops making references." Hailey says while I blush looking at the ground.

"Thanks for the support!" Wyatt says, and the others nod, 

"Jack my mom is picking us up soon, we should get going" Finn says quietly. I start to feel awkward and grab Hailey's hand, starting to drag her away. 


"Y/n, wait" She turns back around to look at me, why did I do that? "Um can I get your number?" what the hell? I literally just asked a fan who happens to be really pretty for her number

"uhm yeah sure!" I hand her my phone and turn back to see the guys raising their eyebrows at me. Y/n hands me my phone back and smiles.

"It was nice to meet you guys, bye!" I smile back at her and start to walk away with the rest of the guys.

I look down at my phone to see what she made her contact


I laugh a little, causing Jaeden and Jeremy to back up and see what's funny. 

"oooooh Jack's got a crush!" Jeremy says, Jaeden nodding. They all run back towards me and grab my phone,

"Is this the girl we just met?" Wyatt asks,

"uhm yea. I know its weird to get a fans number, and I don't LIKE her, she just seems cool you know?" I can feel my face heating up as they look at me

"sure" Chosen says, and they all walk towards the car.

"no shame in thinking she's cute" Finn whispers in my ear as we walk back. I just look at him, open mouthed, while he smirks and gets in.

no one like you (Jack Grazer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now