Part 1

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Welcome to y/n's world :)

Y/n Pov:

-8 in the morning-
Waking up to another beautiful morning, under my blanket cosy and warm. I get up a little and put my back on the board of the bed and grab my phone from the table beside me. '8:05 am' and I blink my eyes twice and realise that I need to get off to work as I've got my job as an attender in a bakery in the streets of jongwon since I've left my home from Daegu to Seoul to earn enough to achieve my career as a famous choreographer!!

"Another boring day of my work till the success" I sigh and get up from the warm place and head to the shower.

After a warm shower in the cold atmosphere, I come out and dress into my uniform; *ping* a notification pops from my phone and I check it right there. It's from my manager of the bakery I work at: "Ms. Kim Y/N, you need to be present here on time with a casual and good outfit and no uniforms today!! We have a special customer appointed at our place!!" I reply back and switch off my device and place it down to quickly change into a causal outfit.

Soon I grabbed my handbag and left off to the bakery which is 2 streets away from the rental apartment I stay in, yet drowned in the thoughts of the special customer. Nevertheless, I reached the bakery 10 minutes before the actual time. I greet my co-workers and go directly to my best friend whom I met on the first day of my work here: -Jung Yuri- she had always been there for me on my hard times and we also had all the fun together!

I glance at the entrance of the bakery awaited to meet the special customer and turn towards Yuri thinking she might know about him/her?
"Hey Yuri! Do you know who's gonna visit our workplace and why are we so casual today?" She nods her head in a response of not knowing anything and I reciprocate her actions as we chuckle quietly. Our manager announces all of sudden: "Well well! You all might be curious about our special customer visiting today, let me tell you why are you all in casuals. Our customer is very fond of simple attires and he kind of hates the uniform formalities so we don't won't to disappoint him in anyway!"

Yet he didn't tell us his mame but we got to know that 'he' is a 'male'. I started feeling nervous out of nowhere thinking about the special customer. My pulse raised high as my heart started beating in a sync even though I don't know who it is.

*Cheers&claps* as our faces turns towards the entry of our customer, a tall and handsome man with a brown hoodie and the black off shade jeans 'a very casual look yet fiery look'enters inside our bakery with a warm and sweet smile! :) My heart switches it's position as my eyes meet his beautiful bluish black eyes: as wide as an ocean, and I try my best to hide the pink tint of blush that just creeped on my chubby cheeks.

To be continued~

Author's note: I bet you know who is that special customer who entered into y/n's life unexpectedly, please stay tuned for the next part!! if you liked this series please give me a star and comment down your opinions!🥺👉🏻👈🏻

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