The Beginning

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I set of in a car. To the location of the beginning. About 20 minutes later, I arrived. Now I know there is no going back. I packed with the small and large essentials including food, drinks and a tent, I also managed to keep the breakfast bar i ordered from the vending machine this morning. I took a deep breath, had a coffee, and began the hunt, the hunt for treasure.

I started on a pathway towards a nowhere but the horizon, I trembled with anxiety, not knowing what will and could happen. I remember Bear Grylls saying to face your fears, and that made me think, my fears. Well, I dont like heights of theres mountains in the Himalayas so it could be up there. I don't like forests or dark places. And if there is a forest I would rather not go there, but I guess I might have to. Until i remembered, my most fearful fear I fear about, wolves. I swear to god if theres wolves here, I would poop my pants, literally.

A few more miles onwards, theres still nothing. But wait. The most and fog covering a mountain. Could that be it. Could that be where I need to go?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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