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Izuku's alarm went of and in responds Izuku groaned. He then fell out of bed, because he tried to turn his alarm of.

"Ow..." Izuku then says with a groan. He then stands back up and he then pushes a button on his alarm to shut it off.

Izuku then changes into some training clothes. He then walks downstairs to get something light to eat.

After his daily routine, he walked back to the dormetory. When he walked back in he saw that Kirishima and Bakugou where making them self ready to go.

"Hey Bakugou and Kirishima." Izuku then says. Kirishima replies with:" oh hey midobro."

"What do you want nerd." Bakugou responds. Izuku replies with:" i'l just go now."

Izuku walks past the two with as much distance between him and Bakugou. Kirishima and Bakugou then both walk outside to start there routine.

"I don't want Bakugou's germs." Izuku then says in a whisper. He then walks past Kaminari who is dying from laughter, because he heard what Izuku said.

Izuku then heads back up to his room to take a shower. After he has done that, he picks some casual clothes to wear and he packs his bag for the beach.

Izuku then walks back down and heads into the kitchen, he looks at the time and sees that it's 9:45 am. He quickly makes something to eat.

Izuku then says:" i will see you guys later, bye." Uraraka was the first to reply with:" bye."

"Have a good day Midoriya." Iida then says while doing his robo hand movements.

Izuku then leaves U.A and heads for the trainstation.

《Small timeskip》

Izuku just arrived at where he lives, he opens the door with a spare key he has. He walks in and closes the door behind him.

He then walks to the kitchen and sees his mom, Izuku then says:" hey mom, is Izumi ready?"

"Yeah and she is in her room." Inko then responds. Izuku then says:" okay and i will bring her back home around 6 pm okay."

"Okay, say hi to them for me." Inko then says. Izuku replies with:" i will do that."

Izuku then walks to his sisters room, he then knocks on the door. After that he hears Izumi running to the door.

Izumi opens the door and says:" Brother." She then jumps at Izuku to hug him.

"Hi Izumi. Are you excited to see them again?" Izuku then asks while he headpats Izumi.

"Yep." Izumi then says while she gives one of her own one million watt smile.  Izuku then replies:" well let's go then."

"Okay, i will go an get my bag." Izumi then says. So she does and after a few minutes she comes back and says:" we can go now."

"Well let's go then." Izuku then says. They walk to the front door, but before they leave the two kids then both say:" bye mom."

"Have fun." Inko then says. Izumi replies with:" we will."

They then head outside and start walking to the appartement where the Nakano's live.

"Make sure you stay close Izumi otherwise we might lose each other in this crowd." Izuku then says to his sister. Izumi then grabs onto Izuku's shirt so they won't get separated, she then asks:" did Nino make something jummy?"

"Yep." Izuku then replies. Izumi responds while she is drooling a bit over the food that Nino made:" nice.."

Izuku chuckels at his sisters behavior.

《Small timeskip》

Izuku just knocked on the door of the Nakano's sister appartement. Only for the door to be swinged open by Yotsuba who was smiling.

She then jumps at Izuku to hug him, but only for Izuku to be suffocated by Yotsuba her boobs...

Izuku then looks up and sees that Yotsuba is smiling down at him. Yotsuba realising where Izuku's head is in between let's go of the hug while she blushes.

Izumi looked at her brother with a look that said"i wanted the first one to be hugged."

The others that haired the commotion came out of there room and walked to the front door to see Yotsuba and Izuku with a blush on there face.

They then all looked at Yotsuba and asked:" what happend?" Yotsuba replied with:" um.. nothing."

"Okay..." the four said before they also ran up to Izuku to give him a hug. Only for Izuku to blush again, because.....

Izumi then said while cutely pouting:" i want a hug to." The five sisters turned to her and awed at her cuteness before they also hugged her.

"We didn't forget about you Izumi." Nino then says. Itsuki then says:" yep, we even got you something while we where in America."

"What is it?" Izumi then excitedly asks. Itsuki then says:" clothes to make you even look cuter."

"Realy." Izumi then asks while getting more excited. Ichika then says:" realy."

"Why can people be so excited over clothes." Izuku then says. Nino responds with:" you wouldn't get it..."

"That's true..." Izumi then says. Izuku responds with:" okay.. so how was America?"

"A lot of fun and especialy the sports." Yotsuba then says. Itsuki then says:" the food there is realy good."

Izuku sweatdrops and thinks:' they haven't changed, i see...'

"So, do you have everything ready? So that we can go." Izuku then asks. Ichika then says:" some one is excited~"

"Uh.. yeah i mean i get to hang out with you again after a year. Or can't i be excited...." Izuku replies. Ichika then says while she deflates:" that's not what i meaned."

"It seems that he is still as innecont as before we left." Yotsuba then says. Izuku responds with:" why keeps everbody saying that to me..."

"It's true..." Nino then says. Izuku replies with:" then can some explain what Ichika meaned with it?"

"Yeah i wanne know to?" Izumi then says. Itsuki replies with:" no we can't."

"It seems to run in the family." Yotsuba then says. Izuku sighs and then says:" if you're not gonna tell me, then let's just go."

"Right." Izumi then says. Yotsuba pumped a fist in the air and said:" yeah let's go!"

The seven of them then headed together to the beach."

To be continued

(Words 1034)
(I hope you like this chapter.)

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