The brawlers of the shadows

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A strange brawler with a mask covering both eyes and the eyes glowing purple and a glowing darkus symbol on his chest as he heald 4 darkus bakugan in there ball forms.

The strange brawler would then go to the park as one of the bakugan and it was eenoch who spoke "come on boss roll us out we want to fight".

The Brawler then heald all 4 of the baku balls as he rolled them out and said "Bakugan Brawl" and after that saying "Bakugan Stand" as Nillious,eenoch,webam,
Lupthion burst out off ball form and showed off there darkus apperances.

In another part of the city another brawler dressed in all white and the haos symbol on his chest with the same type of mask he only heald 2 Bakugan
He began to laugh as he threw out a haos Nillious and landed on his shoulder as he flew into the sky.

In another part of the city yet another brawler was there dressed in red with a pyrus symbol and a mask he sent out a pyrus Howlkor and he spoke " Cerberus go forth unite with our teammates"

Bakugan Brawler from the darkness Where stories live. Discover now