Episode 3 - Part 1 - Hydra is back

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"You're a saint, Mrs Jarvis." Daniel says as she brings in a tray with breakfast on top. He is still sat in bed with his shoulder bandaged up.
"Your medication is in this pot," she points to a small glass dish "and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I've been shot too remember." she says with an awkward smile while pointing towards her hip. Peggy comes in and leans against the doorway.
"Thank you, Ana." she says as Ana begins to leaves the room. "So. I am going to the hotel where Jack was staying today. Jarvis insisted he take me so naturally I allowed, but of course with hesitation. You need to rest.". She smiles while walking towards him and holds the pole at the end of the bed.
"I can't wait till I'm up and about again." He says looking down at himself.
"Trust me. I know." She says laughing.

☆ ☆ ☆

Peggy and Jarvis are in the car on their way to the hotel.
"I never asked," Jarvis began, Peggy immediately knew what was coming, "why did you stay in Los Angeles after all? Was it for the tacos?". Peggy just laughs and looks out the window. Jarvis continues to look at her, desperate for an answer.
"Oh you mean it?" she asks, "Well um." she clears her throat and looks down at her hands "Well I guess uh I um-" she can't quite utter the words.
"I see," Jarvis stops her from further embarrassment, Peggy's cheeks and nose have gone red.

☆ ☆ ☆

They have both arrived and begin to walk into the hotel. Peggy shows her badge to the man at the desk and he lets her through. Jarvis, however, is not allowed as he isn't an agent. He quietly waits in the lobby while Peggy inspects the room upstairs.

She walks under the police tape and inside. The carpet has a blood stain from where Jack must have fallen. Peggy takes out a pen from her coat pocket and begins taking pictures of everything with it. She gets down on her knees and looks under the bed and there is a piece of paper there. It is a page from her SSR deleted file that Jack used to try frame her, it must have fallen out when the police cleared the room, she thought.

Back downstairs, Jarvis waits. In a second his face drops as if he has seen a ghost. His eyes follow a person walking by outside.
"Ready to go, Mr Jarvis?" Peggy asks giving him a fright. "What are you looking at?".
"Nothing." He says and they make their way to the car. "Miss Carter, I could have sworn I just saw Miss Underwood outside. I can't be sure because she was wearing sunglasses but it was uncanny." He explains. Peggy looks around but sees no one.

☆ ☆ ☆

Back at the Stark villa, Ana and Daniel are playing chess.
"Mrs Jarvis," Daniel begins in a questioning tone,
"Please, call me Ana!" she says.
"Ana, why aren't you and you Mr Jarvis with Stark?" he says, almost hinting he wants to stay with just Peggy alone.
"Uh well I," she starts "Howard is off starting a new project on the other side of L.A with Dr. Wilkes I believe. He is very busy and has no need for Edwin at the moment.". Peggy walks in the room, Jarvis behind her.
"That reminds me." She exclaims, "I must call Howard!".


lol I have nothing to put here but part 2 of this episode will be coming soon.

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