chapter 1

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                                                                           When it all started

I suggest listening to twenty one pilots \ Heathen \ while reading this.

   Normally I wouldn't say this, but I guess things change after being trapped for a year or two. I don't know how long it's been since I was kidnapped. I think my proper age would be around 16 now.                                                                                                                                                                                                 

   I remember being in the car with my mom and sister. We were on our way to visit our cousins in North Carolina. We always go on trips during Summer break, so this wasn't any different. I had decided to only listen to my music after knowing what usually happens in long car rides. Even if I had my music pretty loud, I could still hear them arguing in the background. They were arguing about which path to take since they chose to go a different way this time. There's not one single braincell in this picture that I see before me.                                                                                                              

   I'm looking out the window now, not wanting to look at it any further than I have to. I'm listening to one of my favorite bands,  Set It Off.  I was soon interrupted by my sister ripping out my earbuds. "You need to pay attention to this conversation" she said.  Like hell I do. I was about to say something until she interrupted me again. 'If you don't listen to the conversation, then you won't know how to answer the questions we ask of you" Bruh... what the only thing I could think. But of course I came prepared this time. I dug in the bag I brought with me getting out the extra pare of earbuds. I put them in but before I could I take a glance to the front of the car.  There was a man up ahead of the street. "hey guys stop the car" I said trying to let them know, but they were too focused on the argument they were having. "guys!!" I yelled finally. "what!?!?!"  My sister said before also looking in front of the car. " what the hell?...." she said before also letting mom know about the situation. " shit" was the only word that came out of her mouth but It was only moments too late before my mom finally took the wheel and swerved the car. The car crashed into the wall of the mountain then flipping over the railing and landing on the road below it. 

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