chapter one part two

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"ugh..." My head felt like it was about to explode! The car was flipped upside down. I was trying to unbuckle myself but I was having a little bit of trouble. Once I had finally took the seat belt off, I crawled out trying to make the least commotion posable. I took a look around us to scope out the area. It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything in front of me. On note of that I dug in my pocket for my phone, turning on the flashlight.  After,  I dialed 911. I could hear a lady at the other end but it was very faint.  I told her the situation that me and my family was in. She told me to just sit and wait for the ambulance to come and take us. But I didn't feel safe. It felt like someone was watching me. I can feel my adrenaline going up as the hairs on my skin started rising. My skin was getting hot, even though it was a pretty chilly night.  I can feel a hand touch my shoulder as I'm telling the lady to be quite. I freeze. Not know what to do I run. It's a steep hill so I have to be careful. I end up tripping over a rock, spraining my ankle in the process. I'm rolling down the hill now, but stop when I get to a stream.                                                                                      

   I get up trying run now. I remember I had dropped my phone at the stream. "Shit" I whispered to myself. I can hear running behind me as I'm sprinting while lining on one leg. My heart is raising as I try to think of a solution to my problem. I can't think straight, not while I'm panicking like this. I can see a really steep cliff ahead of me. I stop dead in my tracks not wanting to fall off and possibly injure something else. I look behind me to see a different man from before? The man I saw before had long white hair and green eyes, but this man has long white hair instead of short. he tried pushing me off the cliff but I flipped him over taking him with me. We both fall of the cliff landing on the ground. Because I had flipped him over putting him under me, he had taken the damage smashing his head in on a rock instead me. I look up and see a gas station up ahead. I start limping there hoping to find someone. I walk through the door to find a guy behind the cash register. I ask him where the bathroom is so I could hide. If the man that had just died looks different from the guy I had saw before, than that means the other man is still out there. If I could just hid in the woman's bathroom for long enough I'm sure police will come. I tell the guy behind the register to call the cops. Of course he gives me this weird look, but then I explained that my life was in danger. I ran in the bathroom trying to hide myself in one of the stalls. I can hear the door to the bath room open. My palms feel sweaty at this point. I'm trying to quite down my breathing as I hear foot steps getting closer.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had some home work I had to do and I didn't have time to finish this. But alas, I wasn't able to finish it today either. I hope you can forgive me on my behalf of this. I will be changing this part of the chapter tomorrow since it's not completely finished. Since I thought you guys deserved to see this part of the chapter, I went ahead and posted it. 

I hope you guys have a wonderful day!!! Bye!!!😘🥰

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