Tuesday A Boy, Wednesday A Girl, Friday A Them

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Book- Tuesday A Boy, Wednesday A Girl, Friday A Them
Track- This Is Me
Artist- The Greatest Showman
Trigger warnings- Misgendering, depressive thoughts, fear of homophobia, coming out, gender questioning, anxiety
This is for entertainment purposes only. Please do not replicate the more depressive things written here. I won't be able to respond to comments currently, since I'm having some technical difficulties, but I appreciate all of the comments that are posted! I recommend listening to the song above for added entertainment. Tip; use headphones and blast at maximum volume. It's just that good.


Before we start. One. Go check out PippaCash! She's a good author, and we're pretty good friends (I think). Also. I currently won't be able to reply to any comments due to technical difficulties, but I appreciate all comments! I'm probably going to laugh my ass off at all of them.

Two. There are about three different gender related LGBTQ things out there. I don't want anyone to be confused, so I'll explain. There's transgender, one of the more widely known. Example: you're born a boy, but you feel there's something wrong with your body. You'd rather have a female's body. This is being transgender. Then there's non-binary. This is where your pronouns are they/them. You don't have a gender at all. Then there's genderfluid. It's like a mix of the two. You're born one gender, and you can go years feeling like that gender. Then one day, you could wake up and feel like a girl, or a them. This is where your gender hops around depending on your mood or just how you're feeling.

I'm no expert on these things, but I hope this cleared up any confusion! And remember, there's nothing wrong with being transgender, non-binary, or genderfluid. And if anyone here is one of those things, please tell me if I made any mistakes regarding this. I'd like to be as accurate as possible, so any and all feedback is helpful. That being said, I hope you enjoy the story. This is a one shot, so this is the only chapter, but if anyone else wants to create a genderfluid Izuku fanfic, I'd love to read it! Also, because I'm awesome and impatient, I won't wait to talk about this. Inko appears and Izuku calls her 'Ma'. Dunno why, I just wanted to. Okay, now enjoy the story for real!


"My name is Izuku Izumi Midoriya. But you can call me Izumi."


Izumi stared out the window to the courtyard below. The sun hung lowly in the sky, painting the world a sleepy orange. The warm light filtered in through the window, making Izumi drowsy as well. At the front of the classroom, Aizawa droned on in a monotone voice. It seemed he wasn't trying to hard, given the fact that half the class was buzzing in their seats, ready to end the Wednesday. One day closer to Friday.

Izumi didn't hear it when the teacher called on her. She didn't hear it when he called her name a second time. She heard it when Katsuki screamed in her face, though.

"Hey! Deku!"


"Eyebags has called you, like, three times! Wake up, nerd!" Izumi snapped to attention as half the class looked at her. Aizawa was glaring as well, an eyebrow raised. She blushed and lowered her head.

"S- sorry Mr. Aizawa. What was the question again?" Aizawa sighed as he pointed to the board.

"I asked what was the first thing you do when handling a hostage situation. Think you can answer that, Midoriya?"

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