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A/N: I strongly suggest you put on stargazing by S N U G as soon as one of the characters mentions that song, to lift up the mood!



"How is the cat doing anyway?" Hongjoong asked, stepping inside Seonghwa's apartment after chatting in the halls for some minutes

"She's ok, her eye is healing and she's getting comfortable around me" Seonghwa said, offering Hongjoong a seat "Look, she's right here" The cat started walking toward Seonghwa and she sat on his lap

"Did you put her a name?" Hongjoong wondered, he was sitting on the sofa two meters away, he wanted to keep his distance just in case

"I haven't, I'm not good with names, and I actually wanted to ask you for help with that because I want to name her something regarding us because we found her together, you know?" Seonghwa explained, playing with the cat's paws

Holy shit that's adorable don't blush, don't blush, don't blush

"Us? right let me think" Hongjoong started thinking something that linked them both, but that suited a cat "What about Matz? I mean in the year we were both born way" That was the only thing that came to mind

"Yeah! Matz sounds fine, Matz, do you like your name?" Seonghwa held the cat on his hands, smiling at it so fondly

"Wanna try to hold her? It's basically yours too" Seonghwa offered, and as Hongjoong hesitantly nodded yes, he carefully put the cat on Hongjoong's lap and sat beside him on the couch

"Does she bite?" Hongjoong didn't dare put his hands on the cat, afraid it would start biting or scratching him

"Nope, only when she's playful, but you're new to her so she'll stay calm as long as you stay calm" Seonghwa reassured Hongjoong's insecurity around the cat

This afternoon was planned to be chill, they didn't have anything regarding to work to do today so they stayed at Seonghwa's apartment

Hongjoong got used to the cat being on his lap pretty quickly, he did get startled every time Matz wiggled around his lap or when she purred out of nowhere, and he didn't pet her yet either

"Last sleepover I had with my best friends we talked about Banilla" Hongjoong fidgeted with his fingers as he looked at Seonghwa's hands petting the cat

"Really? what did they think about you joining the agency?" Seonghwa asked

"They loved the idea, they wanted to join too, but they have literally no experience on modeling and don't want to be models either, they're weird" Hongjoong scoffed, laughing at the weirdness of his friends

"They could join as makeup artists or photographers, they're looking for those too" Seonghwa suggested

"Right! you told me about tha-" Hongjoong started but stopped abruptly when he stared at the screen of his own phone, frightened

"What is it? Can I look?" Seonghwa asked, Hongjoong nodded and handed Seonghwa the phone, only to find three texts sent by Mingi. Hongjoong couldn't talk, he looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't

"Want me to take care of this?" Seonghwa asked very carefully, taking Hongjoong's trembling hands on his own, he nodded once again and Seonghwa acted quickly

He took his own phone and sent a picture from his to Hongjoong's phone and started to type and sent a photo to him

Where are you?
Let's talk

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