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When someone tells you that there's a good chance you're going to get shot for joining the school president race, there's only really one way to react. Shock. Confusion. Disbelief.

          Oh, you know, just the usual. I only did what was casually referred to as "How they normally react," by Kyran in response to the previously whispered assertation of "She's just standing there."

          While I was certainly not happy about the news, I was a little relieved to hear that I had followed the standard protocol with my gaping jaw, raised brows, and statue-like posture. I had to admit, this was even harder to take than the realization that I would have to refer to my sneakers as "trainers" from now on.

          "Nev? You okay?" Kyran waved a hand in my face.

          "Um... how about no?" I answered, "Dying isn't really something I'm exactly looking forward to - just saying."

          "I didn't say you were going to die!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in protest, "Just that your opponent is a gun-weilding psychopath who... okay, now that I say that out loud it doesn't really sound much better. Nevermind, you're probably gonna die."

          I groaned. "Are you serious? Can't I just, like, I dunno, talk to her about it."

          Kyran vigorously shook his head in response to the question. Like it was crazy to try to talk to someone but totally normal to be under threat of murder? Okay, then. Whatever you say.

          "I mean, there is a possibility of getting out alive," Arik spoke up from the corner. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his jumper. "You'll just have to deal with El's vendetta for the rest of the time you're here," he explained.

          "Yeah, definetely better than dying," I replied, "I mean, I dunno about you guys, but definetely wanna live past high school. Petty schoolmate or not."

          I glanced at Kyran. He was gazing worriedly towards the corner of the room, almost as though he didn't trust what Arik was saying. "Alright," he sighed turning back to me and sticking out his hand, "I'll help." 


Arik pulled his cagoule tighter around his shoudlers as he stepped out of the house. He tried not to make any noise as he closed the door behind himself, lighting his torch and starting to walk in the direction of the park. The air was cold, and it bit at his fingers as he walked.

          He picked up his pace and kept the light from the torch low, not wanting to attract attention. He knew it was important that no one knew what he was doing. The park came into view as he rounded a corner. After a quick glance around, he couldn't locate her, so he cautiosly swung his light across the shadowed landscape.

          Another light came on at the far end of the park, and he could just make out the figure holding it leaning against the trunk of an oak. Arik jogged over in the direction of the figure, careful not to bump into anything in the dark. 

Eliya's face was stone cold as Arik approached her. She stood up, shifting her weight of the tree and clicking of her torch. He did the same, and the darkness quickly moved into fill the void. There was just enough light for her to be able to make out his expression, which was one of what looked like excitement. Anticipation, maybe. Determination

          Eliya forced herself not to chuckle. She kept the somber look on her face, but she couldn't help laughing at him a little internally. He thought he was doing something noble, trying to help out his friend. But Eliyah knew that no matter what anyone did, nothing would, nothing could, stop her from getting her way.

          "So," he whispered, rubbing his hands together against the cold, "What's the plan?" 


I shivered against the cold, cement floor, pulling myself into a ball and squeezing my eyes shut. I could hear my own heart pounding and a calm, steady breath by my ear as I desperately tried to quiet my own hitched and ragged breathing. My head pounded along with my heart. I felt like I was drowning. The cold from the floor seeped into my skin, my senses barely registering the touch of my companion as I huddled in a heap and desperately hoped that I wouldn't die.

          The chilling sound of footsteps crept its way into my ears. The noise was faint, but there was no mistaking the distinct clink of heels apace with the dim padding of trainers.

          I felt Kyran tense up next to me. Looking over, I saw him slowly pulling his gun out. I sat up and did the same, careful not to make any noise. Silence replaced the rhythm of the footsteps, and Kyran cautiosly turned around and peeked around the upturned table.

          I drew in slow, shaking breaths, trying to calm down. I knew it would be important to maintain a level head. Just focus, I told myself, You'll make it.

          But that didn't stop my chest from pounding as Kyran pulled his head back and addressed me. It didn't stop my head from swimming as I tried to clear my vision and focus on what he was telling me.

‌‍​          "They're stopping at the door now," he whispered, "They must think we're in there, which means our ploy worked. They're about to find the others. I saw five of them. Eliya and four others, I think Charlotte, Harry, and possibly James."

"What do we do?" I breathed, moving into a crouching position and clutching the handle of my revolver.


Hey! Hoped you liked the preview! Look out for updates; I'm working on the first chapter now! Disclaimer: the stuff written up there might change a little. It's just kind of an idea of what the story will be like. 

Any feedback is welcome! Please comment! Thanks for reading, 

- Cocoa ✩

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