Chapter 1

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"Alforis! Get over here! Shiro is having another fit!" Adman called out from cross the shared apartment.

"I am fine Adam, my arm is just hurting a bit more than usual. I need to go and give the presentation at another school today." Shiro argued.

"Well then, it is a good thing I am coming with you then, isn't it?" I said finishing closing the buttons to my Garrison uniform as I walked over to the engaged couple. "Now sit still and let me do my job and we will be able to leave in just a dobosh ."

Shiro's arm has been getting worse lately but he won't retire from the Garrison as a pilot and just teach a class like Adam and I have suggested. Personally, I am a doctor for the Garrison since I had an accident.

"Why are you coming with anyway?" Shiro asked.

I shared a look with Adam before giving him the answer we agreed on, "You are there to test the flight simulator and find new pilot candidates. I am going to run the basic wound simulator to test to see if the students would be good for the med core." 'And keep and eye on you' went unsaid.

"Go find some kids you two. Then Shiro, when you get back, you need to help me with the wedding planning. Because you haven't said anything, I assume Alforis is being your best man and I am making my cousin mine."

"Awe man! I wanted to officiate. I spent all that time getting my license for nothing then?" I asked hiding the pain behind a smile.

"Since when we're you ordained?" Adam asked.

"Since just after the last time you two had date night and were drunk. Shiro literally forced me to sit down at the computer and you pulled up the site. I didn't argue taking the classes since I had just came from a double shift and was too tired to walk away."

The two looked sheepish before she said, "I guess you can officiate then. I need to find another Best man."

"Leave it open. Knowing you, who knows if you might randomly find some poor soul to take under your wing and all of a sudden they have moved in, and then need a spot to fill in at your Wedding." I joked.

That got some laughs, but he actually started fostering a punk kid 5 hours later. Who could of thought?

2 weeks later
"Shiro! Adam said it is my turn with the smol bean. You have had him since he got here." I whined bounding up to the two.

"I am not a cat Alforis!" Keith hissed.

I turned to Shiro, "I am taking him out for the day. We will be back later."

I then proceeded to pick Keith put like a cat and drag him to my motorcycle.

"Hold on, we are going to blow some stuff up, don't tell Shiro or Adam."


We got home at 3 and walked into Adam and Shiro having an argument about a mission to one of Pluto's moons.

"Keith, let me talk to these idiots and you can try out the video game we got in my room, okay?" I said with a passive aggressive smile that I held till he left. Oh Great Grandpa Quiznack and Great Grandfather Kolvis, please help me. "Alright you Dunderheads, what's wrong. You were causing the kit anxiety. He doesn't need his parents fighting." I stated in annoyance and ended up rubbing some of my makeup off when I dragged my palm down my face.

Adam started the conversation up again. "He still wants to go on the Space mission spite his muscles in his arm deteriorating."

"And Adam won't let me finish my dream to go to deep space."

"Okay. Adam, let's think about what Shiro wants. The mission is just collecting some samples from a moon and running diagnostics on it. He is the best pilot the Galaxy Garrison has, so the relatively safe trip would be safer. Plus, the Holts are geniuses and definitely have enough knowledge to keep his arm stable for a while."

"Are you taking his side?!" Adam practically yelled.

I chose to ignore him for now.
"And Shiro, imagine how we feel. You have a fiancé and a friend who care deeply for you. Imagine that you had a friend who has a degenerative disease who decided that they want to risk their life by going somewhere that treatment might not be able to be provided if they become unstable. Plus, now you have Keith here too. Think of all of your reasons to comeback safely. If you go, I can guarantee your arm will get worse, but if you don't go, I know you would never forgive Adam or I for holding you back from your dreams."

"I guess I need to think it over again. It is what he has always wanted to do with his life." Adam grumbled and went to make more tea.

Mentally sighing, I go join Keith for some video games after I reapplied some foundation and concealer over my yellow birthmarks on my cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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