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Bils pov
Mar 8, wed

Brandon: billie-i felt brandon shake me making me open my eyes to see him put on his boxers-its 8:30-he said

Bil: and?-i frowned

Brandon: the trip-he said making me immediately wide my eyes

Bil: shit-i said starting to stand but immediately sitting back down when the feeling of soreness said "hello dear"

Brandon: why you sitting back down?-brandon asked going to his wardrobe and starting to look at his clothes

Bil: i cant walk, im sore-i said immediately receiving a laugh as a response-hahaha very funny-i rolled my eyes-carry me to the shower and while i shower you'll pack cmon-i said sticking my arms out

Brandon: i cant shower w you?-he asked carrying me to the bathroom

Bil: no

Brandon: why not?-he put me down

Bil: cuz i said so-i fake smiled

Brandon: can i at least have a kiss?

Bil: no, youre stinking sex and night breathe-i shook my head turning in the shower-now go pack, by the time im done showering, you need to be packed, those bed sheets have to be in the washing machine and the bed must be made w new ones, now go before i tell everyone you have a small dick-i said

Brandon: yes ma'am, damn-he said turning around-you could've just said no-he closed the door making me chuckle. I finished showering and getting ready and i went back to the bedroom, que wasnt there but the bed was made and his stuff were packed. Good boy-just put the bed sheets in the washing machine, im gonna get ready now-he came in closing the door

Bil: want me to make you some breakfast?

Brandon: we'll just grab something on the way-i nodded as i watched him get his towel-can you get my phone and text prince, just lie and say we're on our way-i nodded seeing him go inside the bathroom

Bil: whats the password?-i screamed w his phone on my hand

Brandon: 6644-he screamed back. I put the password and turned on the wifi seeing a bunch of notifications come in, wich i just ignored. I went to the texts and prince was at the top already so i just clicked in his name but ig i clicked in the wrong chat cuz it opened another chat and not princes

Alice isaac

I really enjoyed the day :)

But i enjoyed that dick even more ;)

Bil: wtf-i said feeling my eyes immediately fill w water-why tf did i even- ugh-i softly screamed deciding just to clean my eyes and text prince

Princy my btchy

We're on our way already

I blocked the phone placing back on the nightstand. After a couple more minutes, Brandon came out of the bathroom all ready

Brandon: lets go?-he asked. I stood up from the bed, getting my backpack and walking out of the bedroom being followed by him-where do you wanna stop to eat?

Bil: we shouldnt stop, we're late already-i simply said looking out of the window

Brandon: is everything okay?-he placed his hand on my tight softly caressing it but i quickly moved my leg away-bil whats wrong?

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