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July 30, 2013

He seems to have a slightly incredulous look; Ooooo ... rather desperate?

─ If so, I think both!

─ That little girl. The one who, sitting on her bicycle, looks very attentively at the "tick-tock" of her watch is nothing more than:


─ Dressed as a schoolgirl!? ─ well yes, that's how it goes! with a white shirt and brown plaid skirt; Has she just straightened her bangs for the umpteenth time, and she's starting to lose her way, wondering if maybe something of her enjoys her friend's lies? that, although smaller in size and age; It is not that she is the least liar ─ she is also the most rogue of lateness!

"It's Pan"

─ Is it that the bitch breaks the "dandy", ─ says Helen, didn't she say it would only be a moment!?, While ringing the bell of her bike, as if this helped her to push the urge to break the glass in the third window, the one that shines the brightest, the one on the left.

Inside, that beam of light that faintly enters through the window, hovers directly into Pan's hair, ─ making her beauty stand out, ─ at least that's how it can be seen, when sitting down, as if she didn't care in the least to be in an abandoned house, because he feels full with all the weeds that surround him-; Pan seems to think that all this makes the scene more enjoyable, so nothing can ruin the moment. Now, there is no "tick tock" that is worth to Pan, not even the miserable warning of a bicycle bell, it can reduce Pan's deep breathing, she is feeling that feminine tingling that makes her feel hotter and hotter, as she the boy nibbles at her ear. He squirms, he despairs, whoever saw him shake his hips on that boy, was equal to or more confused than him.

─ And then, why is it not delivered to me? ─ thinks the boy. as the couch limps at each Pan shake.

You are frustrated ─ and rightly so. It's seventeen minutes of vain trying. ─ I have no idea what to do with Pan! He has fully complied with what his older brother told him yesterday, when the car was being repaired.

─ The blonde Pan won't let you! ─ Apparently, removing Pan's bra is more a matter of intelligence than strength, because the boy looks so sturdy, that he surely goes to the gym, apart from being a mechanic, ─ but what does it matter, the fact is that he looks adult...! ─ And as for little Pan ?, ─ I have not said that she does not have the mentality, ─ Maybe yes ... but she is not of legal age!

advised by his brother, for the occasion, so he looks for the triumphal key. the one that the blessed "Don Juanes" always advise ... what they deprive in alpha males, ─ The one his brother told him yesterday.

Is that why you ask yourself today ─ why is Pan not being given to him?

Yesterday morning, at about 9:42 a.m., for better or for worse they gave you the infallible secret, the same one that all your friends tell you at some point when you start flirting,

─ they tell you: manage to reach the left nipple, and all the girls, absolutely all will give themselves to you.

─ And why the left nipple especially?

─ I don't know, it will be because it is closer to the heart! hahaha

Hahaha, you're kidding like they say in the movie!

─ Well I'll try tomorrow with Pan ... I hope he doesn't double play me, because he's taking me away from you!

─ Wait, brother, how old is the happy Pan that you don't stop talking about?

─It's like 17, otherwise I'm wrong!

─Queee, a minor has my brother stuck and to top it all you haven't even reached second base?

─ Oh and what do you want, we've only known each other for a week?

Are you sure Grandpa was sane when he told you everything you've told me?

─ You see, have you never had a girlfriend miss?

─Yes many times. Hahahaha, tell me?

─hahaha, When you take a young lady to bed, stand to stare at her, in front of the bed.

What is it?

─Well, she will cover her breasts. more than anything else, you know what I mean right? And you as a newbie at last, if I hadn't explained this to you, what happened to me when I had my first virgin girl would happen to you. hahahah

─ Let's see, what happened to know everything? Hahaha

─Well, I had to leave her alone and pretend to go to the kitchen to drink water.

─And what did you go to the kitchen for, then?

─To laugh, because she couldn't bear to let me see her most intimate part, and cover her breasts as if they were the most important thing to care for. Hahahah

─ Nooo?

─ Hey, no movie, little brother! If you reach the left breast of this Pan, you score little brother, you arrive at Home, the game is over!

─Okey, tomorrow I'll give Pam Home Rum

─ Easy old man, Well ... it also depends on you, several factors influence.

─ Remember that they were not born with breasts, this grows over time.

─ And what?

─ Damn man and you are Arab or indigenous, for the same thing that I just explained to you! That for the girls it is more important to take care of the breasts, if you get there they let you steal the base with everything and Home!

─ Wait, it's not that I don't believe you, who told you that?

The older one hesitated for a moment, but still bruised, as my grandfather told me when he was sane.

─ And you have put it to the test?

─ Sure

With whom?

─Well, with Rebeca, she was my friend first, and we ended up being friends with rights. And that was a virgin!

Wow brother!

─Siii I was very lucky, I don't deny it, I found it at a good time.

─Good moment!, But you and Rebeca knew each other since they were little!?

Sure! I say good time, because back then her boyfriend had cheated on her. And you know, I also left him in feeling. As I was her friend, who better than me to comfort her. The rest I don't have to tell you, you know that the end justifies the means.

─hahahah, brother, didn't you feel sorry to take advantage of his feelings?

─ I'm not going to leave it to you? fear take advantage of your feeling,

─ Barbaroooooooo, Wow! I was little, but I remember that Rebeca was very hot!

Sure, back then it was stuffed meat! Little brother with the girls you have to take advantage of the time, they totally believe that by default one is a dog!


─Stop laughing you fucking cuck, and go get the brake fluid

Whoops that hurt, wait!

─ Anyone disinherits you ...!

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