SCP Foundation

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My name is Hayden Crone and this is how I found the S.C.P Foundation.

Chapter 1 : the foundation discovered.

I was at home watching television when the screen turned black and said in red writing, "Close your eyes don't ask questions and whatever you do don't open them till the mobile task force has instructed you to. I repeat don't open your eyes." I was confused and terrified but I listened and went to the closet and put on a blindfold. It was 2 hours but felt like days till I heard a helicopter. The driver in it told us to get in and remain silent as we were flown to safety, I saw on the street below me, a tall white skinned figure. He said it was a chemical leak but what I didn't understand was that if there even was a chemical leak, why would we have to close our eyes? As we were landing at a building that wasn't tall but covered a lot of ground. As I went in I was escorted by the mobile task force into a tidy room with a white bed and a light. It wasn't long until I was brought out of my room and outfitted in a lab coat with white clothes. They put me in a room labeled "SCP 111" It was just a girl about my age sitting on a bed asleep with a paper saying "SCP 111 class: safe SCP 111 is a female age Unknown with the ability to turn the color of people's eyes." It didn't sound so bad when I felt a sharp pain in my eyes and looked in a mirror and my eyes had turned red! They then soon faded back to normal blue. She was awake and I realized she had done it. I said hi and that my name was Hayden and she responded with: "My name is Ana." Then soon I wondered why she was labeled scp 111 if they could call her by name? As I walked out I saw a corridor with red light and at the end was a warning. Warning: only level 4 or higher access cards allowed, euclid class and keter class beyond this point. I walked over and the escort put in his key card and said I could look around but not go in the containment rooms. I went in a cell and looked through the window and I saw a metal cube and heard crying noise from inside it. It felt strangely familiar. I was creeped out so I left and went to my room to take a nap until tomorrow.

Chapter 2: D Class, Robert

 As I woke up in my room I immediately left to the level 4 access room. I saw a group of people in orange prison suits with D class on the back of their shirts. I asked one of them who they were. He said his name was Robert. He said he was being assigned with scp 096. He walked in the room and went in the metal cube. I heard screaming and crying and then silence and after a few minutes I realized Robert was surely dead. But The cube opened and he came out unharmed. It was just a simulation. He was screaming because he was terrified. He wet his pants. We had a good laugh about that. The next day an announcement came on and said, "today all staff and visitors get to have access to scp 222 safe class." I was super excited and rushed over to the cell. I saw it was another human my age. Its name was Nicole and it was a girl. She was nice but she had the ability to read minds. I could tell she was reading my mind. She asked me "Why are you afraid" and I said "Wait, oh yeah mind reading...because this place is unsettling and creepy." She said "understandable" I left and went to a cell with a label as SCP 096. The one robert spoke of. I went in. It was the metal cube from the simulation and I saw a folder. I opened the folder and what I saw horrified me. And when I read the paper I was speechless.After I read it I put it down and sat down on a chair. My arms slumped and hit a button on the desk. Alarms flashed yellow and red and the cube started opening! And all i saw before running was this, And I got to my room and shut the door as I heard rapid footsteps and a bang on the door I heard announcements, "Mobile task force is on the way, There has been a breach of scp 096 I REPEAT 096 HAS BREACHED!" Then another announcement, "SCPS 111 and 222 have also breached !" I relaxed as 096 was led away.

Chapter 3: Locked In

I ran to the exit and it was locked. I was locked in. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It wasn't anyone I knew, but her name was courtney and she was a scientist at the foundation. She said "The only way to get out is to wait for the mobile task force (mtf) to rescue us, then we'll be taken to a safe place" I agreed and we both went to hide when we ran into something that looked to be a peanut statue. We knew immediately it was an scp. She said as she stuttered

"1 7 3" She didn't move and kept looking at it. I begged her to run but she said to me "if I look away we are both dead." She told me to run and I ran until I found a corridor I could hide in. I prayed nothing was in the room I just hid in. I sat and waited for someone to help me.

Chapter 4: The plan

It's been like hours, days since I have seen anything outside these doors. It's probably waiting for me right outside. I looked through the door window and saw nothing. I went out and was relieved when I saw ana and nicole, they escaped as well. We went to the exit and there he was. Consuming his last victim. 096, he glared at us as he got up and ran away. Knowing he would be back I got ready to fight. But instead what came from the corner was a d class, robert! He joined our group as we tried to break down the lock on the exit. We went all the way down to the euclid and keter level and we had a plan. Release the strongest scp in the facility, lead it to 096s location, make sure 096 is terminated. It was perfect but there was one flaw, What would we do with the scp we released so we hatched a different plan. Trap scp 096 without looking at it. Me, ana, nicole, and robert got ready to trap it. Robert got the net for its face. I got the cloth to tie it up. Ana was to immobilize it by repeatedly changing the color of his eyes, hurting and blinding him. Nicole will read his mind for a while giving him a headache giving us enough time to tie it up and slip a bag over its head.

Chapter 5: The Last Stand

As we got ready, layed the traps, and I was bait. 096 wasn't very smart so he wouldn't recognize a trap I hope...

I sat down on a chair with a guitar I found and strummed, and when he was ready... HE CHARGED! Speeding towards me I held my ground but. THE TRAPS FAILED! The bear traps snapped and missed one by one until there was only one between me and him. I threw the guitar at him. Stunning him for a few seconds.

And I hid in a random room and what I saw amazed me. A lightsaber 3 of them!

I gave one to robert one to me and the other was snatched by 096. He somehow knew how to use it but me and robert fended him off until we went into a garbage shoot. A big metal hole in the middle of a circular room. There were tesla gates, turning off, on, off, on. I got seperated from robert as he fought the scp alone. Unfortunately 096 got the upper hand and stabbed robert in the chest. "NOOO!!!!" I yelled as robert fell to the ground, limp. Nicole and ana were phased and terrified, so it was up to me. I used every bit of anger for 096 to fuel my energy. I hit his saber with huge strikes until he pushed me down the shoot but I grabbed hold of metal sticking out. He stared at me and I pushed myself up grabbed both mine and roberts lightsabers. I was dual wielding sabers. I cut his hands and head off with one swift strike. He died instantly. I ran over to robert but he was already dead. I grabbed ana's and nicole's hands and ran for the exit, using the sabers to cut the lock. We ran out of the building. Never. Looking. Back.

Bonus Chapter ???

As we ran we lost nicole in the woods. Me and Ana kept running, we felt like we were being chased. We ran into a temple in the forest and on the doorstep we found a notepad containing the captain's log from something? It read, "What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip; we all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private traitorous thoughts? Perhaps- but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word." I was sad and confused but we kept running...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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SCP/ whatever i decide to put in thereNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ