Chapter Three

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Sam, Dean and Cas had returned home with Zena.

"Where are the children?" Zena asked. Dean cringed, he knew she was not going to be happy when she found out he allowed them to hunt, they had discussed this when they were born. They had both agreed to keep them out of this life, but things had changed, Zena had died, and Dean hadn't been able to stop them as they got older.

"They, uh, are out on a hunt." He said, preparing himself for the reaction he knew would come. And it did.

"On a hunt?! Dean Winchester! We discussed this! We agreed..." Zena started to lecture, but Sam interrupted her.

"Uh, if I may...we never wanted them to hunt. In fact, we all tried very hard to keep them from it, but when they became teenagers they sort of forced our hands. Sneaking out, doing things behind our backs. We decided it was better to go with it and make sure they were trained. In fact, we didn't agree to this hunt they are on. They sort of just went." Sam told her.

" don't know where they are?!" She exclaimed. Sam flinched.

"No, we don't" He replied

"We had Cas imprint them with enochian so he could track them, have him find them!" She said. Dean closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, about that. Cas, we're gonna have to tell her." He said, looking at Cas. Cas nodded his understanding.

"Tell me what?" She asked, looking from one man to the other.

"Zena, were you ever aware that you had powers? That you might not be...human?" Cas asked her.

"I'm sorry, what? What are you talking about Cas?" She said, confused. "No, I don't have powers, why the hell would you think I'm not human?!" Sam, Dean and Cas exchanged a look.

"Zena? Do you know your father? Have you ever known your father?" Dean asked

"No. My mother told me he died before I was born." Zena said

"You were adopted Zena. Your real mother wouldn't have survived your birth. Your father is Michael, the Archangel. Zena, you're a nephilim, and so is your daughter." Cas told her. "That test I did on you earlier, I was checking you for angel grace, which you have. So does Jo." Zena just stared at Cas in disbelief.

"No. That can't be true. Why didn't I ever know? How could I have gone my whole life without knowing? And if that's true, how did a wraith kill me?!" She exclaimed. Cas started to answer her, but Dean's phone went off. Dean answered it without looking at the number.


"Hey Dean! It's been a while." Said a voice on the other end

"Who is this?" Dean said

"Wow! You don't recognize your own brother's voice?! Eh, well, I guess it has been a while." Said the voice. Dean looked confused for a second, and then it clicked.

"Adam?!" Dean exclaimed. At that, Sam perked up.

"Hey! There it is! I have something that belongs to you, two somethings actually. If you want them back, meet me at the warehouse where you took out those vamps." Adam told him. As Adam spoke, Dean heard a scream on the other end. His heart constricted, and a look of pure fear formed on his face as he looked at Sam.

"Adam...Adam, don't hurt them. Please." Dean said, his voice almost a whisper.

"Hurry up, Dean. You have one hour." Adam told him, and disconnected the call. Dean grabbed his jacket, and ran for the garage, calling back over his shoulder.

"We've got to go, NOW!"  Sam, Cas and Zena were already following him.

Jumping in the car Dean stepped on the gas, and flew out of the garage. Zena leaned forward from the back seat.

"Dean, what's going on? Is it the kids?" She asked

"Yes." He said, through gritted teeth, his jaw clenching. He pressed his foot further down on the gas peddle.

"Sweetheart, I am really glad you're back, and I don't want to loose you again, so please...sit back, and buckle up." Dean said, glancing at the dash and seeing he was pushing 100 mph. Zena noticed too, and sat back, putting on her seat belt. Adam had given them one hour, but it was a three hour drive. Dean swore he would break every traffic law that existed to make it on time.

"Dean, you need to slow down." Cas said

"Cas, he gave us one hour to get there. I can't slow down!" Dean exclaimed

"Dean! Why didn't you say that to begin with?! Stop the car!" Cas demanded

"Damn it, Cas!" Dean growled

"I can get us there! Stop. The. Car!" Cas yelled. Dean slammed on the breaks, causing tires to smoke, and pulled to the side of the road. Cas snapped his fingers and the car, with everyone in it, appeared at the warehouse.

As soon as they were there, Dean bolted out of the car, heading for the door to the warehouse, but Sam grabbed him and pulled him back.

"Dean! Stop!" He exclaimed

"Sam, I have to get in there!" Dean cried

"And you will, but Cas gave us more time. We have forty five minutes to come up with a plan, so slow down, because you getting yourself killed won't help anyone!" Sam reasoned with him. Dean ran a hand through his hair in frustration. Patience had never been a virtue of his.

"Alright, okay, fine. What's your plan?" He said, his eyes looking at Sam wildly. Sam took a deep breath.

"Well, we have a slight element of surprise. Cas is with us. Cas needs to stay out of sight so he can help if things go bad. We have to assume he had something to do with Zena being back, he must know she's with us. So the three of us will go in, and Cas will sneak in once we're in." Sam said. Cas nodded his agreement.

"Yeah, okay. Sounds good. Can we go now?!" Dean exclaimed, pulling his gun from his waistband. Sam pulled out his and the three of them headed for the door to the warehouse. Inside they could hear Jo whimpering, and could hear Bobby's muffled voice.

"Shut up!" They heard Adam yell, "Just shut up! They will never make it to you two in time, and by the time they do get here, you'll be dead, and she will be gone!"

Hearing what Adam was saying made Dean's heart beat faster. He heard Bobby say something else, then a loud thud, and Bobby went silent. Jo started crying louder. Dean couldn't take it anymore. The voices were coming from above them, so he took the stairs two at a time, in an effort to reach them faster. Reaching the top, he ran for the room Jo's voice was coming from, and burst through the door.

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