Gladers and the Period

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Y/n! Y/n! Your bleeding. I turned around sharply realising Newt and Thomas had both come in search of me. Both their faces were marked with worry.

"Lie down." Said Thomas "you've lost a lot of blood." I groaned loudly and flopped onto the bed. "I hate men." I mumbled. Newt backed away to the door. "I'll go and get some bandages." He stuttered.
"I don't need bandages shuckface." Thomas and Newt exchanged a confused look. "Y/n your bleeding. A lot!"

I sat up quickly throwing them an exasperated look. "Well duh." I responded savagely. Glaring at the pair. "What is taking you guys so woah.That is a lot of blood! What the hell happened?" Exclaimed Minho sticking his head around the doorframe. I rolled my eyes at the boys idiocy. I swung my legs off the bed about to stand when a cramp hit me making me double over and cry out. "Y/n" they yelled rushing towards me. "Don't touch me." I screeched.

The boys hurriedly backed up Newt with such haste that he knocked a box from the shelf. He picked it up. "T A M P O N S" he sounded out ripping open the packaging. "Newt." I yelled. He pulled out one. They had no applicator so basically looked like a white bullet on a string. "Where the hell did you get these?" Asked Thomas incredulously. "The creators sent them." I said snatching them off Newt.

Thomas took a tentative step forward. "Why are you bleeding?" He asked gently. I sighed heavily. "I'm a girl." They looked at me blankly. "Once a month the lining of one of my internal organs decides to punish me for not being pregnant by ripping itself out and draining out of me." The boys mouths fell open in disbelief. "And what are tampons for?" Stuttered Newt. I pressed my lips together in annoyance. "They go in me to absorb the bleeding but if I leave it too long it could kill me. And I am going to be bleeding the rest of the week and have stomach pains from pushing all this blood out."

I began to walk to the bathroom. "Can't you hold it in." I whirled round with a fire blazing in my eyes. "Never mind." Whispered Minho.
"I'm never gonna complaint about being hit in the bollocks again." Muttered Newt. The other two nodded in agreement, standing still watching me make my way through the glade with blood still poring down my legs. Everyone was staring at me in amazement and I giggled slightly as I headed to the bathroom.

I just found this really fun to write because I was just thinking about the glazers reaction to finding out about periods so here we are. I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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