The beginning of a new champion

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It was the day. The day. So important for the barn. They had some financial problems, and they expected to be broke in a year... But there was one special mare; bred by the stud Smokey Eyes, it must, and really, it must lead to a succesful foal. Otherwise, they can't make it.

The mare stood in her stall, snorting with flared nostrils. She lowered her bodice as the laid down onto her side, snorting once more. She nickered in a high-pitched-tone. She heard the humans yell outside, as they gathered at her stall. When they finally took a look, they saw a beautiful gray-dappled foal behind the glinstering white-coloured mare. They immediately checked if it was a colt or filly; and it was a colt. "Colt, Dappled gray." Someone said, everyone smiling at the couple.

Days past as the foal grew up, but when he reached the age of half year, but sadly, the barn had gotten even more financial problems, having less than a month to sell all the horses. And Ice was sold as well, sold to Oak Wood Stables. So, one day, the humans came. They seperated them. Snorting and crying, Ice was dragged into a large trailer. They quickly drove away.

After a few hours of driving around, they arrived at the stable. They unloaded him, pulling on the leadrope tightly as they dragged the colt into the stall. All alone, and having no mother to trust, he stood there in the strange barn, hoping that his mother arrived shortly after him. He waited, and waited, never giving up. There was a chance to see her, he kept thinking, but she never came. He hadn't seen his mother since the day they were seperated.

A year soon drifted away as the humans began trying more stuff like lunging him and trying leaning on his back. It felt weird and strange. But he got used to it quickly; resulting that they went on, saddling him up and such. The progress now went a little bit slower, needing more time. When he was all grown up, a two-year-old-yearling, they started training him, trotting around the track, then in a canter and gallop.

When fully trained, their first race was coming up. They enrolled him, with a hired jockey. They trained him, trying to get his speed higher as his first race was coming near; they only had a few days left but luckily they had luck; he made a lot of progress.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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