Chapter 1: Prologue

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I awake to the sound of dripping water. My eyes start to adjust to the darkness of the warehouse I seem to be in. I sat up slowly groaning as my body starts to protest the movement. I close my eyes as I try to figure out what the hell happened to me to get me to show up here in this warehouse. Nothing comes back to me. The last thing I remember was driving as fast as I could through downtown LA when...WEREWOLF. I remember the werewolf, the one I fell in love with, the one I discovered the secret of. We were being chased by werewolf hunters, the werewolf I am involved with is the last one.

This werewolf turns into a natural looking wolf. It has red colored fur and is one of two species of werewolves. But in the end it is still the last werewolf on earth, and people still want to kill it. This type of werewolf only infects someone with the virus if it chooses them to be its mate. This werewolf has chosen me to be its mate, an I want to be its mate.

This werewolf yes, it has been killing people but it hasn't harmed me. It wouldn't harm me, I know it. I look around and soon I find myself looking up into the sky through the skyline. I breath out a sigh of relief when I see that it isn't a full moon. I need to get up and figure out just where I am. As I am looking around I see that I am near Hollywood Arts, which means I'm near home. Opening the door headlights suddenly bathe me in their soft white glow. I look as the car speeds by not even noticing me as I stand in front of the door. Just then I pick up the soft scent of blood, my blood. I reach up and touch the side of my head to feel the warm stickiness of blood running down the side of my head.

I pull my hand back and I let out a soft gasp when I see my hand is covered in blood. I looked over to see my car parked off and out of the way. I stagger over to it and look in to see that the whole steering column had been ripped apart. Who ever done this doesn't want me leaving to fast or at all. Then it hits me, I'm bait...bait for the werewolf. I need to get as far away from this building as possible. I start frantically looking around for a way to bet away from here.

The most I can do is start walking and hope that the werewolf or the hunters don't find me. Don't get me wrong I want to see the werewolf again, but not right now. I don't want it to be killed...I love it and it loves me. I want the virus, it not that I want to live forever, but its because I get to live forever with the werewolf. I'm looking around as I start walking to get the hell out of here. Suddenly some lights kick on behind me causing me to freeze and slowly look back behind myself.

"Are you ok Miss?" I hear a man call at me.

"Do I look like I'm fucking ok" I growled looking at the man's outline.

"Let me help you" he says walking forward.

I look at him as he walked up to me and looked at me. I see it there on the arm of his jacket. It is a red triangle and inside of it is a wolf skull with a snake coiled through the eye sockets. The snake has its mouth open an I look at the fangs and the yellow eyes of the snake. He's a Viper, the ones hunting the werewolf I love. I stagger backwards and fall to the ground just as the man reaches his hand to me. I hear him chuckle as he suddenly grabs my arm and pull me to my feet. I scream out as I fight against him to get free of his grasp.

"We still need you" he says in a sly voice as he pulls me back to the warehouse.

Without warning I punch him in his groin causing him to howl out in pain. He doubles over as he lets go of me. I turn and start running the best I can because my leg is injured. I glance back at him as he gets back to his feet and turns in my direction. COME ON FEET FUCKING MOVE my thoughts scream to myself. Suddenly a second pair of hands grab a hold of me and pick me up causing me to let out a shrill of fright. I look at the second Viper as he grabs a hold of me and lifts me off the ground. I bite the man's hand but it wasn't enough to get free from his grasp. He violently throws me into a wall leaving a dent of my body in the metal wall.

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