Chapter 1: The Choice to Begin

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Most kids go on Pokemon Journeys as soon as they possibly can. They count down the days until they can get their first Pokemon. (and stay up late the night before which means they then accidentally sleep in and end up with a Pikachu- wait wrong story) It's like a rite of passage, your first eventful and disastrous day. Setting off at that age with only the creature who is to become your lifelong friend and a handful of supplies. The greatest adventure, the ultimate dream, what most kids look forward to. It only makes sense to start as soon as possible. That said, this isn't true for everyone.


"Alruna! Don't forget your notebook." The brown haired girl could hear her mother calling as she packed her gold and green backpack for the journey ahead. The journey that she was taking well after her friends in this small town, and basically anyone her age. She had always been too afraid to begin it. Every once in a while she would consider it then be too busy to get going, week after week, month after month. Her inner fear of all the changes was too strong. She had grown stronger since, but it was the old promise she had made that spurned her to finally start.

Soon came the echo she was expecting. "Rune! Notebook." That would be Melody, her mother's partner Chatot. The colorful music themed Pokemon flapped into Alruna's room, carrying the notebook in question.

Alruna grabbed the notebook and tucked it into the bag, near a weathered white ball. "Thanks Melody." She zipped up the bag, tying her sleeping bag to the top of it. She readjusted the dark green hoodie that she wore, tucking the blue lining in. Then Alruna straightened her brown boots and black pants and walked out of her room, carrying her bag.

Her father's Aegishlash, Ferrus, acknowledged her as she passed by. Alruna bowed to it back in respect. Ferrus was worthy of respect, after all. Pokemon in general were. She set down her heavy bag. No need for it for this trip.

Alruna's mom wrapped her in a hug. "I'm excited for you to go on your Journey, my Rune." She tweaked the braid in Alruna's hair. "You be careful, and have fun. Oh, it's been years since your brothers left and I'm still not ready for this."

The girl hugged her mom back. It was true that her brothers Jenner, Clark, and Parken had left years ago with their respective Pokemon. They all sent letters and checked in, but Alruna knew her parents missed them a lot. Jenner was in Kanto, as was Clark. Last they had heard, Parken was in Hoenn. Something about an Absolite, apparently.

Her father joined the hug. "Don't you worry about us. We trust you. Besides, it'll be nice to have a quiet house." She could hear the sadness in his voice.

She smiled. "I'll be fine." Alruna certainly hoped so. "I'm only going to the professor's lab to get my first Pokemon. I'll be back for you to meet them and get my bag" Her parents stepped back, letting Alruna make her way to the door. "I love you." She wiped her dark green eyes and made the choice to start her own journey.


A knock interrupted Vyolra's thoughts as she sat around in the room she shared with one of her younger siblings. She had finished packing her black traveling bag weeks ago. Vyolra put the spool of thread she was looking at pack into the pale blue pouch at her waist. She brushed her red hair out of her face and tightened her high ponytail as she opened the door.

Her younger brother stood there, with the family's Pidgey, Crest, on his head. "Mom says you better hurry up or you'll miss the train." He informed her, then walked off. Vyolra shook her head and walked by him, wrapping her black and teal jacket over her lighter yellow shirt. She scratched Crest as she did, who cooed at her in response.

Vyolra met with her mom at the door, where one of her younger sisters was complaining. "Mom! Why can't I go on a Pokemon Journey too?" Her blue green eyes, lighter than Vyolra's were on the verge of crying.

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