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First I would like to thank the lovely Jilypuff for tagging me 😘

1. Ten fun facts

a) I live in Montana
b) I'm bi 💖💜💙 although if you follow me you might already know that
c) I'm still in the closet but I have told a couple friends
d) I love candy, it's my favorite thing to eat
e) I'm weirdly obsessed with pirates, they're just so 😍
f) I have a cat named Professor after Professor Mcgonagall from HP, funny story she ate my fish that was named Harry Potter
g) I used to have a dog named Piper when I was two and now I have a friend with the same name
h) My goal in life is to live in a Victorian mansion but make it modern. With the exception of the library
i) This may be cliché, but I want to go to college in a big city and instead of living on campus, I want to live in an apartment with a bunch of other people from the LGBTQ+ community
j) When I grow I want to be a book editor/publisher

2. What is your nickname

My nickname is Izzy short for Izabelle.

3. What is your eye color

My eyes are like this dark blue/grey color

4. What is your hair color

My hair is dirty blonde but I think it's starting to turn a little bit closer to light brown

5. A random fact about me

When I was in 4th grade I went to London and it was amazing

6. What is your favorite place

Definitely London, I guess in second place would be Mackinac Island, in Michigan

7. Who is your favorite celebrity

Oof umm... I have a lot lol, all of BTS and TXT, most of the IT cast, and most of the Stranger Things cast

8. What is your favorite animal

Literally no clue

9. What is your favorite song

Honestly it changes a lot but I'd say almost anything by BTS

10. What is your favorite book

This is super hard. Anything written by Cassandra Clare or Rick Riordan. Ooh or anything by Marissa Meyer. But also Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston


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