Never Have I Ever

52 4 6

Tagged by the spectacular Jilypuff

I guess I just say if I've done the stuff above or not. Ignore the dots that have red x's lol

1. Made a New Year's resolution

Of course

2. Fainted


3. Cut your own hair

Yes, but only a little so it wasn't noticable

4. Traveled all by yourself

I mean I've walked home by myself, but other than that no

5. Laughed until you cried

It happened yesterday

6. Made something by hand


7. Made my own meal


8. Had braces

I have them right now.

9. Pulled an all nighter

All the time during quarantine

10. Owned a pet

I have a cat right now, a few years ago I had two fish but one died and my cat ate the other one, and when I was two I had a dog. Funny story, my cat's name is Professor, as in Professor Mcgonagall, and she ate my fish named Harry Potter. Also my dog from when I was two was named Piper and now one of my best friend's name is Piper

11. Been skydiving

No but it sounds kinda fun

12. Made a youtube video

No but I've watched youtube videos

13. Broken a bone

Luckily no

14. Met someone famous

Yes actually, I met Ed Asner who plays Santa in Elf and is the voice of Carl in Up. He was doing a play called God Help Us all over the US and he came to my town. My mom got to be in the play with him. I have his autograph

15. Skipped school/a class

No, only if I was sick or had to go to the dentist/orthodontist

16. Eaten sushi

No and I don't plan to. I just don't like the idea of eating fish, partly because I'm scared of them lol

17. Gotten your ears pierced

Yes, but when I took my earrings out I waited to long to put new ones in so the holes closed up

18. Been on an airplane

Several times. I don't know why but I think it's really fun

19. Seen the same movie 3 times

More movies than I can name. Most recently I watched IT three times in a week. Oops

20. Had allergies

I mean sorta. I have slight cat allergies

21. Embarrassed yourself in public


22. Been on tv

No, but I have been in the news

23. Gotten a tattoo

Only temporary ones but there are a few I really want when I'm old enough

24. Gone skinny dipping

Haha no


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