Chapter 10; Odd Feeling

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Chapter 10; Odd Feeling

You awake from the warmth of Draco being gone. You stretch your arm out to both sides of the bed feeling the coldness of the white sheets.

The emptiness of the bed makes you sit up in confusion. You look around Draco's empty room to find he is nowhere in sight.

As you warm toes hit the cold wooden floor beneath you, you almost hesitate to get out of bed. The memories of what had happened yesterday resurface. You feel yourself getting annoyed at the whole situation all over again.

You are mad but you also feel somewhat calm. Like something inside you is making you control yourself – whatever it is, you are grateful for it, who know what you would do if you didn't have whatever this calm feeling is inside you to hold back your madness.

You make your way to the bathroom in Draco's room. The smell of mint and his cologne enter your nose making you miss him being near you, missing his arms around you. You almost feel addicted to him.

A sharp pain shoots through your skull making you stubble a little as you squeeze your eyes shut from the sudden jolt of pain.

This pain you have never felt before – it was quick but mighty painful.

You look at yourself in the mirror almost disgusted at how awful you look. Your skin looked paler then usual and the circles under your eyes are darker.

It almost looks like you are malnutrition. What had happened that made you look so bad all of a sudden? You appear to almost look sick, also to mention you don't feel the greatest either.

Your head feels fuzzy and your body feels extremely weak.

You turn the warm water on in the sink. The sound of the running water is almost ear piercing sending a painful pulsing through your head – you quickly shut the water off.

You run your hands over your head in exhaustion. You feel so weak.

You find your way back to the bed shivering at the feeling of the cold sheets as they engulf you.

There's an unfamiliar pain inside your body. It's making everything so sensitive – sound, talking, feeling, touch, anything, its making everything more sensitive. Even when your eyes are open, the sun that shines in from the widows makes your head throb with pain.

You rest your head on the soft pillow and close your eyes letting sleep ease this awful feelings.

-10 Hours Later-

You wake once more from your deep slumber, but this time to find Draco next to you. His hand gently brushing strands of hairs out of your face.

Your eyes adjust to the rooms lighting. The sun had fallen, and it was now the evening time.

Draco realizes that you have waken and peaks a kiss on your forehead. His lips are warm and soft, just as they always have been.

"I have some food for you, are you hungry?" Draco asks quietly. Even with his voice been as quiet as it is, your ears still ring at the noise.

You shuffle yourself until your back hits the headboard of the bed. Your throat is parched and your lips are dry. You can't remember the last time you felt this bad,

"I'm not that hungry," You swallow, "Thank you though." The cold air from the room nips at your bare arms making you shiver and shake.

"You haven't eaten all day, are you sure?" Draco asks as his hand brushes against your arm making you jolt from a feeling of pain. Draco's eyes widen at your sudden movement, "Are you okay?" Draco asks with a lot of concern.

Y/N Parkinson; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now