Chapter Six

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(A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry it's taken me a while to update this story! I just wanted to quickly reiterate the fact that this storyline is NOT going to line up with the Hinny trilogy that I wrote! Timelines and plots will change, so I just ask that you keep that in mind before commenting or PMing me anything about it! With that being said, I hope you're all enjoying so far! This story is a lot of fun for me to write, since my current interest in nursing specialization is OB :) Thanks for reading, and stay safe and healthy everyone!)

"Ron... Ron... Ron!"

Ron groaned as his eyes fluttered open to find an annoyed, yet concerned, Hermione standing over him, along with a few other people that he didn't recognize.

"Oh dear, let's get you up," an older woman to his right said.

"What 'appened?" He looked around as he was helped into a sitting position. At seeing the bed that Hermione had taken a seat on once more, it all came flooding back.

"Merlin, 'Mione, you're pregnant!" He exclaimed, popping to his feet.

"Easy there," a medi-witch told him as he swayed slightly.

"M'fine," he shrugged it off. "Blimey, you're going to have a baby."

"Well spotted," Hermione chuckled airily, but she was really concentrating on the swirling in her stomach that, for the past several weeks, hadn't meant anything good.

"Do you feel alright, dear? Someone's fetching you some pumpkin juice right now and here's a glass of water," the medi-witch fussed.

At the mention of pumpkin juice, Hermione's stomach roiled and she realized that she was going to lose this battle. Unsure of what to do, she perched on the edge of the bed unsteadily, ready to bolt out the door to the nearest washroom if need be.

"Erm..." she cleared her throat, drawing Healer Thompson's attention. At seeing how pale and clammy her patient had gone, she quickly conjured a clean bedpan and forced it into Hermione's hands just in time.

Ron, completely ignoring the medi-witches' fussing, leapt from his spot and planted himself by Hermione's side, quietly whispering soothing words in her ear and holding her long hair out of her face until she was finished.

"Oh you poor dear," the witch who had been helping Ron tsked, vanishing away the bedpan and handing Hermione the glass of water.

"She's been getting sick so often," Ron turned to Healer Thompson, "aren't there any potions that she can take to help?"

"Unfortunately, a stomach-soother and a pepper-up potion both contain ingredients that are not 100% safe for pregnant women," Healer Thompson admitted. "I know it seems as though there should be something we could do, since women have been having babies since the beginning of time, but unfortunately we have to do this the old fashioned way."

Hermione bit back a scoff as she took a sip of water, wondering who this 'we' was.

"However, if the sickness continues, or if you're continuously getting sick more than three to four times a day, or losing more food than you're taking in, it's important you come in to see me as soon as possible," she continued.

"Thank you," Ron smiled at the Healer, still rubbing his wife's back as she sipped the water slowly. Hermione's cheeks were bright red. She couldn't believe that she had gotten sick in front of so many people. Really, she should have more control over it.

"I've got some literature here if you're interested," Healer Thompson declared, pulling out several pamphlets and brochures. Ron couldn't help but chuckle, and Hermione bit back a smile.

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