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Nadia: Because he didn't want her to be a vampire, She didn't want to be a vampire. She wanted to stay a Human.
Piper: Why didn't she stay with Jack?
Nadia: well...A few months after the incident Maya mom found out about her being a Vampire and she flipped out and then one night out nuclear plant on our side blew up all of a sudden and then when the humans found out about the zombies they got witches from there side and made them make a barrier so we couldn't leave
Ayden: So you never left this side before
Jentzen: Nope if we try we get hurt and we can't risk anything
Piper: Wait...But...Why weren't we allowed to go to the other sides
Nadia: Maya was bit by a zombie but when her mother and her guards got to her Jack was by her and her mom jumped to conclusions and thought that Jack Did it. Maya Tried to tell her that it wasn't him but her mother wouldn't listen. Then people were starting to get bitten and killed by Vampires, And They didn't want to take a chance. Then the witches made a cure so that Maya could turn human.
Piper: Wait so Where does Zayn Come in line with everything
Nadia: Maya's mother made her marry Zayn cause he was looking for a Bride
Before he took the throne and ???

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