The party

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It wasn't out of the ordinary now for people to quiver or flinch when I entered the room.
I only had Draco to talk to at this point, not even Blaise would speak to me.
If it wasn't for Draco I wouldn't be going back to the manor. Something about his presence makes me feel welcome and safe, but not in a romantic way, because he is my cousin obviously, but I'm a brother way. He's the only person I would trust with my life. He is the only person I trust in general.
It was the last week of school before the holidays and I was so excited to get out of this school and go to Malfoy manor again. That was my favourite place in the world to go. I loved it more than the burrow, and Draco loved me being there because his Dad would lay low for a while, like he was always trying to hide something, from me especially.
Probably the fact that I had a murder for a mother.
The last day of term we always had a slytherin party. All the other houses could come and we been looking forward to all year. The teachers tended to turn a blind eye for good spirit but this year it would be different with Dumbeldore gone and Umbridge as headmaster. We would have to be very careful about where we do the Party and this year I had been given the responsibility to find one.
I had been struggling so hard for an idea and Then the it came to me.
The room of requirement!
'Draco!' I yelled banging at his door, ' I know a place for the party,'
He swung the door open and I stumbled in his dorm.
'Finally!' He said in a relived voice
' Ok chief party planner,' I mocked ' how about the room of requirement?'
' Yes!' He picked me up and spun me around, ' you're great you are!'
I smiled at him and left the dorm for my next lesson and by the time I was back dozens of flyers where stuck around the common room.
The rest of the week flew by in a flash and it was the night of the party. I was in Hermione's dorm getting ready with all the other girls because it is kind of a traditional thing that we did. Hermione was wearing a long sleeved red dress with and open back and matching red heels. Ginny was wearing a small yellow skirt and a white crop top with yellow pumps. Luna was matching with Ginny but instead of the yellow skirt and pumps they where blue. Pansy was wearing a green velvet dress and 5 inch green heels that she could barely walk in so it made all the girls laugh and lastly I walked in.
I had a small cotton black dress that went perfectly with my dark curls and high black heels that made me tower over Draco as we met him in the hall.
The room of requirement was open when we got there and was already buzzing with the sound of music way more loud than it needed to be. The party was already in full swing and there where already bottles of fire whiskey that where half empty and the dance floor was already alive . I said goodbye to the girls and made my way to the drinks table and began to pour myself a few shots of the firewhiskey, I downed them all in one swig. I then made my way to the dance floor and began to dance my through the crowd until someone grabbed my arm and began to make there way through the crowd with me.
We danced for what felt like hours and then I finally decided to look up.
It couldn't believe who it was. Frankly I couldn't believe they could dance so well.
Ooo who is it?
Next part coming out tomorrow!
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