Their favourite place to kiss you

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Jack Kelly

Forehead- Although you would the confident leader would like a lot of PDA he doesn't like everyone staring at you two so he keeps it to a minimum. Also you're at the perfect height for him to just peck you on the forehead when you hug.

Davey Jacobs

Cheeks- He can be quite shy around you even when you are dating so he keeps to kissing your cheeks in public but when yous two are alone he kisses you anywhere he can.

Racetrack Higgins

Lips- Let's be honest its race. He doesn't care who sees you two and sometimes he would make out with you in front of all of the newsies once in a while to prove that your still his.

Albert DaSilva

Neck- Although he may shy that is just because he is always next to race who just happens to be louder than him. Albert, much like race, doesn't mind people staring at you when he is kissing you. Also you would probably permanently have a hickey on your neck and you've just gotten used to it.

Spot Conlon

Lips & Neck- He is a mix of race and Albert and is not afraid of showing you off. You don't mind though cause then at least no one tries flirting with you, not that they would survive.

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