I love you

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After Christina took Y/n back to Corbyn's we went to lessons and then the day finished. Corbyn invited us over to stay at his again so I have to go home to get some clothes.

??: JoJo
Jonah: hey Svea
??: where you going?
Svea: hey mum
Carrie: hey Sv
Jonah: I'm going to stay at Corbyn's tonight, something happened to Y/n so we're all going to comfort her
Carrie: that slut that got abused by her father?
Jonah: SHE ISN'T A SLUT!!!
Carrie: don't raise your voice at me!
Jonah: why? You going to kick me out like you kicked dad out just because you got into an argument and he left!
Carrie: your dad walked out on us! I didn't kick him out
Jonah: yeah whatever

Me and the girls are sat on the sofa and the boys are in the kitchen, we hear the front door slam and I jump. I turn and it's Jonah.

Jonah: uhhh, I fucking hate her
Jack: who?
Jonah: my mum, we got into an argument and then she said something's about my dad *I get up from the sofa and run to the bathroom to be sick again, I clean myself up and go back downstairs*
Christina: you okay?
Y/n: yeah *the front door opens again*
Ashley: mum
Saskia: where's Y/n?
Ashley: here
Y/n: what's wrong?
Saskia: Corbyn close they windows and lock the doors, turn all the lights off
Corbyn: okay, guys can you help me *they go upstairs and do everything*
Saskia: your dad, he escaped jail
Y/n: what? How?
Saskia: we don't know yet but he killed 3 guards so we need to keep you safe
Ashley: I'll make sure dad and Jordan are okay
Christina: I'll stay here with Y/n
Franny: me and the girls will watch the doors

We're all now up in Corbyn's room in the closet and Christina is next to Y/n.

Y/n: Chris, it's to small
Christina: right, Corbyn come to my left. Zach move by Jack so Y/n can move *they do*
Y/n: I'm fine now *A window smashes*
Ashley: Jordan's still at work and dad won't answer his phone
Saskia: we need to call the police
??: Y/N WERE ARE YOU!!! *I move next to Y/n and hold her in my arms*
Jonah: it's okay, I've got you
Y/n: this is all my fault, I put him in jail and now he wants to get payback
Jonah: your not to blame *the bedroom door opens*
??: Y/n just come out and no one will get hurt
Y/n: promise me whatever happens you will look after the girls for me
Jonah: your not going out there
Y/n: just promise me
Jonah: okay, I promise you
Y/n: I love you Jonah
Jonah: I love you too Y/n *we kiss and she walks out*

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