Facing reality Part 1

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We are all humans. We all find ourselves in the same problems especially the children of today's generations. In my opinion, life twenty years ago was more beautiful and honest. You could be whatever you wanted without others judging you before they really met you, but today the situation is different. You can't spend a single day without someone commenting on your way of dressing or your physical appearance. I mean helloo, will your life change if someone wears a pink hoodie or a gray pants. Most of us have found ourselves in a situation where someone makes fun of us for our looks and it has simply become a routine of today's generations who have a narrow view of the world and think only about themselves. Trust me I found myself in a similar situation..Hi, I'm Mary, I'm how my school called me the new fat Mary. I moved to Denver a year ago because of family problems and like any new person in school, I was called by all sorts of names, but the new fat Mary stayed in my memory. I didn't have friends for the first month until I met Ana, my first friend who is the only good thing that brightened my schooling in that PRISON!. Many children may be traumatized by physical teasing, but again, it can be an incentive to do better and show these bastards who you really are. I wasn't born into a rich family and I didn't have all those "expensive" things that others had, but since I was a little fat they made fun of me for the fact that my parents obviously have money for food and not for sneakers. I endured it all as best I could and my biggest support was my dog ​​Apollo. He's the only thing I'm actually here for because he's always kept me going and he's there for everything I need. He is a mixed breed and as they say, mixed breeds are not dogs worth a human because they do not have their own species, quite the opposite. These are the only dogs that do not share their lives with money but with the joy they bring to their owners. It was a sunny day, Saturday, I decided to go walk around Apollo in the neighborhood to see what was new and for him to run around a bit, but only if I knew that day I shouldn't have gone outside. I came across them, yes, those jerks from my school teasing me. I don't mind so much when they tease me, but when they touch my dog ​​it won't be good. They told me how fat I was and how I would never have anything from life. Apollo did nothing to them but sat quietly beside me. I don't know what was in the head of that stupid Alex kicking Apollo. Yes you heard right, he kicked him with his foot straight in the ribs and told him he was as disgusting as me. He fell on the floor, whimpering and twitching, and I could only stand and cry while these jerks ran away. You could have guessed what happened after that, yes, I will remember that day by how I lost my best friend, the only one. Wait, wait, wait, do you really think Apollo is dead? hahahah no, I took him home and told my family what happened and those three jerks paid for Apollo's treatment. You have no idea how good I felt after that, and the summer holidays are coming soon, I could buy myself a new sup board. What do you think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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