Chapter 23: Wild Life

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*Dylan's POV*

It was 5:00am and I had to leave to go to the airport. I'm beyond excited to be going back to LA with Selena and Julie. I miss my family and now I don't have to be alone without my girlfriend.

I arranged a party for tonight to welcome selena and julie. I invited a few friends that I think they'll love.

"baby, I have to get going now" I said to Selena who was still sleeping

"okay baby I'll see you in a few hours. I love you"

"I love you too" I gave her a kiss on the forehead and then headed to the airport.

*Selena's POV*

Dylan left a few hours ago and it was 8:00 now. Julie slept over and when I woke up, she was already downstairs with my mom eating breakfast.

"morning sunshine" Julie said to me, stuffing her face with bacon

"hi" I said to her taking the cup of coffee my mom made for me. I'm not really a breakfast person

"are you excited, Selena?" my mom asked me

"yeah, of course" I said taking a sip of my drink.

"stay safe and don't go anywhere without each other, okay girls?" mom mom told us

"don't worry, Tammy, I'll take care of her" Julie said back to her

it was about 8:30 so we headed to the airport. I had my hair in a really messy bun and light washed Hollister shorts with a white fitted tee shirt. Julie was wearing a bun too, and had a pair of dark blue Hollister shorts and a Pink Tee shirt. my mom loaded
our bags into the car and then we were on our way.

"okay girls, I love you, stay safe" my mom said to us and squeezed us tight one last time

"love you mom, I'll see you soon" I said and kissed her on the cheek

"bye tammy, I love you" Julie said, hugging my mom.

Julie and I went through security and finally got on the plane.

LA here we come.

4 hours later, we got to LA. I saw my first Palm tree and felt the cool breeze of the ocean air and I knew I was home.

A car pulled up outside the airport and Dylan stepped out with one of his friends. it was about 7:00pm now but I wasn't tired at all.

I ran over to Dylan and jumped into his arms

"hi baby girl!" dylan said spinning me around.

"Hi babe, its so beautiful here!" I said and then gave him a big kiss

"oh, Selena, Julie, this is my friend --"

"OMG YOURE JACK GILINSKY" Julie interrupted dylan.

"haha yeah, hi" Jack said flashing that white smile of his. of course I used to be obsessed with Jack and the other guys from the original Magcon, but ever since I started dating dylan, they're just any other good looking guy. obviously, Julie still loves them.

she ran and hugged jack and he hugged her back.

"I love you so much" Julie said

"haha I love you too" jack smiled back.

"let me take your bags" jack said, grabbing Julie's bags from her hand.

Dylan grabbed my bag and then loaded them into his truck. I sat in the front with Dylan and Julie sat with Jack. I had my head out the window the whole time and my hand linked with Dylan's. I was taking it all in. every single Palm tree, every little shop and every inch of sand and water along the beach. LA is an absolute dream. Jack's song Wild Life came on and we all started dancing and singing to it. We blasted the radio and rolled down all the windows. Julie and I stuck our heads out the car and undid our buns and our hair blowed in the wind.

This is the life.

*Julie's POV*

when we got to Dylan's the boys told us to wait out here while they took our bags in the house. They came back out and Jack took my hand and Dylan took Selena's. they lead us inside and when we opened the door, what seemed like 1,000 people jumped out and screamed. Selena collapsed into Dylan and as I looked around the room, I seen Nash, Cam, Hayes, Taylor Caniff, Jack Johnson, Sammy Wilk, Kenny Holland, Chris and Crawford, Jacob, Grant and so many other guys along with a couple girls who look kinda familiar.

"omg Dylan, did you do all this!?" Selena asked him.

"yeah, I thought you guys might like to party and get introduced to some people from around here."

"omg this is so amazing" I said. "thank you guys!"

"no problem" jack said and gave me a big hug.

Nash handed us all drinks and then Sammy blasted the music. Dylan turned the colored lights on in his pool and all the Guys took off their shirts and jumped in. They were all so hot but Jack Gilinsky was by far the best looking. I couldn't help but stare.

"Julie, let's go get our bathing suits on"
Selena said grabbing my wrist and pulling me upstairs. She through on her black string bikini and I put on an aqua colored one. we ran downstairs and Selena immediately attached herself to Dylan and they started making out in his hot tub. I sat at his our door bar and took a few shots. Jack, Nash and Cam came over and Jack introduced me to them

"Julie, this is Nash and Cam"

of course I knew who they were but I just played cool and said hi. They all took a few shots and then Jack told me to go swim with him. I took his and and then we both jumped in.

"it's so cold!" I screamed

"wus" he said jokingly and splashed me with water

I pushed him under the water and when he came up again I splashed him.

we both laughed and started splashing each other. then, he wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't splash him. he moved his hands down to my waste and pulled me closer to him. We both drank so much and at this point we were just having fun. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then he started kissing me.

I moved my hands to his face and and felt his jaw line. I swear it almost cut my hands.

after a few minutes I looked up and then splashed him again. we got out the pool and then he picked me up and we went to Dylan's little patio area that had a few couches. he sat down and then he made me sit on his lap but I sure didn't refuse. we watched the rest of the party and these guys are hilarious. Nash and Hayes were fighting with pool noodles, Sammy was joining up with some girl, Kenny, Taylor and the other Jack were playing pool basketball and Cam, Chris, crawford, grant and jacob were taking shots and playing beer pong.

I could get used to a life like this. I had no clue where Dylan and Selena were, but I think they might have been in Dylan's room. This was one of the best parties I have ever been to.

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