The Short Lives of Juicy McS., Spicyblabla and Wanda T. McBanana

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22nd January 2021. A normal day, a normal evening. One no one imagined could bring so much emotion and bring such dramatic events to the table.

The wind breezed; it was a cold night, the winter nights short, yet the days trudged on for far too long. But things seemed to pick up their pace, when a conversation started in the Marvel group chat.

The several friends were getting along, speaking of everything and anything. People from every corner of the world, yet all together in one group chat on Snapchat. Connected, and soon to be connected in a way no one imagined.

The energy was buzzing, silly emojis and jokes everywhere, laughs and smiles evident yet visible for no one to see behind everyone's screens.

Then a message that changed everything was sent. It was from Tilly, telling the group she'd given birth to her first child- A slice of lemon. The lemon had been conceived after she'd accidentally eaten a lemon seed. The child had the same blonde hue of hair, the same golden toned skin, perhaps no eyes, but still beautiful. Helena and Hanin became proud aunts in that moment, Tilly even more proud that her dear lemon could have a loving family- For the child had no father.

"What is his name?" Asked Hanin, and after a moment of thought and through tears of happiness came a response from the mother of the lemon. Tilly wanted the aunties to help pick a name, for who better to consult?

"What about Juicy?" Suggested Hanin and Helena, and the baby mama knew for a fact that that was the perfect name. As if God himself had spoken through the two aunties, as if God had typed on snapchat and suggested that name himself. It was a miracle.

"Perfect. Juicy. Juicy McSoursen."

Excited applause came from the aunties, and even Bucky joined the chat and joined in on the excitement. Afterall, the birth of Juicy had been such a surreal yet beautiful thing. Stunning. That was the wonder of life. The meaning of life. Nothing more, nothing less. A small family, who were blessed with Juicy McSoursen.

But the four knew that the child's life would not be all too long. For an important thing to the family and group chat was tradition. Tradition and ritual. And they all knew what was to come and what was on Juicy's short path of life.

First Tilly, the aunties and Bucky said their goodbyes and shed their tears that streamed down their cheeks. A fresh beginning, but an early end. As a lemon's life should be. Afterall, the abortion v2 was a tradition in every family, a normality. Or else the law itself would kidnap Juicy and use him for bad things. Maybe throw Juicy into prostitution. Maybe throw Juicy into a strip club. Maybe throw Juicy into a pub with old, peeing men.

And the family didn't want Juicy to suffer, the law could not reach him. Ever. As long as they did the ritual.

After their speeches and beautiful goodbyes, that sounded like this: "Goodbye, Juicy, you were always stinky." "Goodbye, Juicy, you were beautiful and too stanky for this world.", Tilly moved on to the next step.

The baby mama dismembered the child, ripping its juices apart from its thin crust of yellow shell. Tilly filmed the ceremony for the aunties and Bucky, all sitting in their separate corners of the world, clutching napkins as they sobbed and watched the ceremonial death and abortion.

Tilly snorted the juicy pieces left of Juicy, inhaling him one last and final time. She'd savored their moments long enough, kissing the remains of her child goodbye. After getting Juicy out of her nose, she carefully picked up Juicy's shell and remains. It was time for the last bit of the ceremony.

The flushing.

With quiet and careful steps, with her phone in one hand and Juicy's dismembered corpse in the other, she got to the bathroom. The floorboards seemed to creak beneath her on the short journey to the bathroom, hands shaking, a frown on her face along with tearstained cheeks. It was time for the final goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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