Chapter 4

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The next day, Michelle picked me up in her red BMW. She had an awesome car.

"Hi Kym! Ready to go? Oh dear. You should put a jacket on!"

I was wearing pants, a pair of uggs and a blue tank top. Those were usually the outfits I wore. Sometimes, I would bring a cardigan.

"Oh, okay wait." I turned to get my jacket upstairs when I found Dad waiting for me.

"Here ya go kiddo. I figured you might need this." He handed my cardigan and I wore it. It felt good.

"Thanks, Dad. See you later." And I hopped in Michelle's car.

"Bye George. I'll bring her home afterwards!"

"Okay. You girls enjoy yourself now!" 

And Michelle honked her horn and off we go! Michelle seemed really young at heart. California Girls was playing around the radio and she was singing at the top of her lungs. I must've looked at her strangely. She just smiled at me. We stopped by this school, Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School.

"Well. Here's your school! I'm sorry you got to see it now with me and not with your Dad but I gotta pick up Harry."

"Its cool. The school looks really nice."

"Aunt Michelle! Aunt Michelle!"

"Oh, here goes Harry."

I watched as the curly haired boy made his way to the car. We both stared at each other in surprise.

"You?!" We both said.

Michelle looked at us oddly. "Have you two met before?"

"Oh yes. Just someone I bumped into the airport!" I said. "And by bumped I mean, he knocked me over!" I whispered silently,

"So Aunt, can we stop over and buy apple juice?"

"We could but we have a guest." 

"I think Kym would like apple juice!" He smirked.

Ah. So he remembers my name. Curly surely had a great memory. Unfortunately, I have a really bad reaction to apples so it was a no-no. We went around Top Shop and Forever 21 looking for clothes.

"So Kym, you're gonna be living here permanently right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. I guess."

"Uh. Remember the thing at the airport? Can I get your number?"

"Uh. I don't know." I shrugged.

"Please." He gave me annoying googly-moogly puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He looked a bit cute.

"Why so badly do you want my number?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well..." He scratched his head. "I think you're really pre..." He swallowed. "I mean! You look like you could be a great person to talk to.." "Yeah that's it." He chuckled.

"Oh. Good one. But no." I turned my back on him.

We continued shopping and finally we left for home. I had too many shopping bags to carry that Michelle had to let Harry carry some. I waved her goodbye and mouthed thankyou. And then Harry helped me until I shooed him away from the doorstep. Fine. He was cute. I think he likes me. I sighed. I've never dated in my whole life until one day, Brandon just appears at my doorstep. Well. He's your idea of a perfect guy. Smart, Ruthlessly handsome, good sense of humor. And I could go on but this would probably take forever.

Brandon broke my heart. He cheated on me, that lying scum. It took a really long time to recover. What can I say? I was young. I was 14. I was stupid. And that was a day that I promised myself, I would not love again after that. Too clichè.

"Kym? Kym?" Dad shook me.

"Yeah Dad? Sorry about that." I blinked my eyes.

"Well. Harry was just telling me about your school. Would you like to go there tomorrow?"

"Uhm.. yeah. I would be happy to take her Mr. Matthews" Harry said.

"Whoa Dad. Tour the school with Curly here tomorrow? You mean, just the two of us?" I said increduosly.

"Why not? I mean. He's Michelle's nephew. I think you would be in good hands. And he goes to school there too."

"C'mon Kym. You'd probably look like a lost little kitten on your first day if you don't take the tour." Harry rolled his eyes. 

"Yes Kym. And is there a problem with Harry anyway?" He asked.

"No. No problem." I said too fastly.

"Good. Then you won't have a problem going with him tomorrow for your school tour."

I glared at Harry who looked away, whistling. It was probably his idea.

"Alright Dad." I sighed.

"There you go, Haz. She's all free. I can drive you guys there at.. 9:30 am. Oh and Kym. I would be out tomorrow lunch, going to buy grocery's. I've realized ALL of our groceries expired last week. So you could you lunch out tomorrow. I'll leave you some money." 

"Are you kidding me? ALL? I've been here for 2 days. Don't tell me the food I've been eating were expired?"

Harry chuckled. I glared at him.


"Nothing. You look cute when you're huffy and puffy."

"I do not get huffy and puffy! Okay Dad. You have got some explaining to do about the food!"

"it looked edible! But I checked awhile ago! And it said expired! Anyways. You have lunch out tomorrow. Harry, please."

Omg what is wrong with my Dad?! Is he setting us up?! Does he even realize what he's doing?

"Ugh. Okay whatever. I'm off upstairs." I grabbed my bags from Harry. It was probably a mistake. As I carried the bags, I could hardly see. And I tripped over the stairs. Dad and Harry looked at me and were ready to help. But I stopped them.

"Ugh. Don't bother." I dropped all the bags and ran upstairs. 

The boys looked worried for a bit but continued there discussion. I went to my room and tried to tell myself that tomorrow would be alright. Harry kinda reminded me of Brandon for a bit. And because of that, I was thinking about Brandon again. Oh beautiful Brandon with those chocolate brown eyes and terrific smile. How could he do that to me? I locked my door. And felt sad and lonely all over again.

Love at first Bump {Harry Styles fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now