Introductions and First Impressions

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To completely understand, and utilize this guide correctly, you must first understand the true definition of a life hack, and what a lady hack actually is.

Life Hack: a strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one's time and daily activities in a more efficient way.


A Lady Hack : is a strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one's time and daily activities in a more efficient way for LADIES.

In a Sentence: Lady Hacks For Survival will have awesome and very useful life hacks for everyday female teens.


Hack for Friday 2/13/2015 - currently 9:49 pm eastern

Introductions. We all know that introductions are not only frightenening because you are meeting or being introduced to new people, but because introductions is the source of your first impression.

When your being introduced to someone:
Advice 1.) Have Eye Contact.

You always want to make sure you have and contain eye contact when being introduced. I know your probobaly like, "Well duh, of course I make eye contact," Well, this is vital, especially if your being judged for your first impression, because you don't want others to seem as if your nervous or intimidated by them. However, if you just can't seem to hold eye contact for some reason, you should read the following.

Scenario:You just walked into Forever 21 becuase you see that they are hiring a few teens to help out for Valentine's Day. You ask if the manager is available and if you could speak with him/her. The cashier intructs you to where the maneger is, and you follow the exact directions. You then enter the door that reads Store Manager. Not before knocking of course, and after hearing a, " You may enter." You get called in and have a seat infront of a chunky man, who has snots in his nose, pealing skin, and who is wearing a toupee. Now in this situation, you definetley do not want to walk out becuase you need the money, however, you know you are easily distracted, and will not provide the best of eye contact due to the manager's appearance. As the manager introduces himself, all you can do is look at the man's toupee gracefully providing a breeze to his completley bald head due to the above heating ventiliation system. To successfully nail this job, you will need to probably fill out an application, which im assuming you've done, but more importantly try to hold eye contact while being asked your interviewing questions. As the manager speaks, you notice the snots on his face has a thick consistency and is slowly retracting back in his nose as he sniffles. If you are not able to make direct eye contact while these distractions occur, that is perfectly okay. If you are ever in a situation as such, you never want to look above their head, and stare at the wall, or the clock, or the picture above them. NO! Dont you ever do that. Even if people say, "Well, the 'business gaze' is to stare directly at their forehead." What ever the cost, I recommend you don't do that. If you can't make direct eye contact you should look at the individuals' nose. Therefore your head is leveled, as well as your eyes, and it's not as obvious that you're not holding exact eye contact. From doing this, there will be a higher chance that the manager will believe you are a focused individual, thus, resulting in your new temporaory job!

Advice 2.) Have Confidence.

There's nothing better than meeting someone new for the fisrt time and being fully comfortable and confident with yourself. You never want to seem too confident...cocky, because then people will immedietely think your stuck up. So overall, JUST DON'T BE COCKY! It's just not cute, and it makes people think your too good, and I dont mean to good for something or someone, I mean too good for your own good, too good for life itself.

However, if you are a cocky individual when you tend to meet people, don't worry, its 32% fixable. If you tend to be a cocky individual you should atleast attempt to throw a complement at the person so that way they are thrown off by your arrogance. It may not always work, but it's worth a shot.

Advice 3.) Good Breath, Good Start.

Not saying that individuals' don't fulfill the task of dental hygine, but you should always keep minty gum, or mints on you at all time ladies. You never know when your going to be introduced to someone new. Who knows, you could meet someone new right after your 'Oh So Delicous' lunch of a fresh grilled onion and tuna salad, or even your beloved canned sardines, which you just can not live without. Point being, travel with good smelling mints and candies to quickly pop in your mouth. You never know if you'll unknowingly meeting your new boss, or even your future mother in law.

You definetely don't want to be that girl that know one wants to talk to because their breath stinks. From that day forward people will always remember you as the "Stinky Breath Girl." Ladies, this is just a prevention. If you do not already do this, its okay, because you know now. Remember, we are only human, so we are prone to slip up sometimes. Here's a scenario.


You just left the Seafood Bar, and immedietly almost got hit by a car trying to get to your bike, but, however, you are saved from hmm, your future husband? Don't sweat it too much. If your in your future lovers arms, and he begins to talk to you, instantly close your mouth and grin. While doing so, point to your throat and shyly shrug your shoulders to make it seem as if you lost your voice. Therefore, he will not expect you to talk. This will result in a happy ending for you both. You never got hit by a car. He never got to relive your delicous lunch at the Seafood Bar, and you both keep in touch.

My last advice for Introductions and First Impressions is to 4.) Have fun.

When meeting new people, you should always enjoy youself, and their presence. Enjoying yourself when meeting new people not only lets the individual know that you like talking to them, and that your a genuinely nice person to be around, but it also provides them a glimpse of your personality, and how fun you are to hang out with, or hire in a professional situation.

Look out for the next update ladies, it's what we all love best... COSTUME JEWELRY!

~ I received my definition off of google.

~My percentages will always most likely be me just goofing around...meaning their false. If I ever do receive real data, I will definitely acknowledge that it is legit, and where I obtained the information from.

I am trying a new and creative way to utilize wattpad, at least for myself, so I hope you enjoyed, and please feel free to leave me feed back in addition to your votes!

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