Chapter 11: Back Home

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And the windows instantly shattered, raining them all in glass. The ground before them caved in on itself.

Emiyo, Kameko, Lisa, and half of their classmates were all knocked backward of their feet.

Kameko smashed into a bookcase and was deluged in a cascade of heavy books; the back of Alice's head slammed into the wall behind her, tiny lights bursting in front of her eyes before passing out.

Some who weren't knocked backward crawled under desks while others tried to escape. A crowd of screaming girls shoved on ahead, crying out in terror and exiting the classroom, but not before pushing a boy into a clutter of chairs.

"Everyone simply relax!" called their teacher, "Don't mak---"

But whatever their teacher was going to say next, no one would ever know, pieces of shattered windows fell on her.

More intense screaming.

"T-t-t-the T-t-t-taizai..." panted Lisa, still on the ground, struggling to keep her eyes open amist the crisis, debris, and her own illness.

"Don't worry." Kameko told her, she was crawling from the clutter of books, on her knees and hugging Lisa, holding her within view. "We'll take care of it!"

Lisa closed her eyes, but not before giving a tiny smile.

"She's losing consciousness..." whispered Kameko, gritting her teeth all the same. "Emiyo..."

Emiyo was standing up, her fists clenched and she didn't seem to be listening. She continued to look out the window mesmerized at what was going outside.


"Emiyo! We're five stories high, don't you dar---" she was all but too late, Emiyo jumped from the window and towards the three Taizai.


"IDIOT!" she heard Kameko scream.


How dare they...How can such...horrible things...

These were Emiyo's thoughts as she fell towards the incoming Taizai. The cooling wind was slapping at her face; eyes screwed against the rushing wind.

Endangering everyone like that...It's sickening...

Emiyo's face felt stiff and cold, however she managed to pull out the one singular object she needed and through her numb hands enter it inside the slot.

No one did a single thing to deserve why?

Why must you always involve people who have nothing to do with this?

The ginger and red hair curled itself into chin bright pink length hair. Her usual flower decoration appeared in her hand.

What are you going to gain from this?

A familiar pretty white and hot pink skirt with magenta shorts appeared on her body, replacing her uniform.

I hate that innocent people get hurt for things they had nothing to do with!

The collared dress shirt with sparkling yellow buttons, blowing in the ongoing wind.

So die!

Finally her black leggings and heels appear on her bare legs and feet. Which she used to slam into the first Taizai as a ribbon appeared from her back.

"Whoever sent you, if it was Envy or anyone else," Chevalier called pulling her arm back. "tell them that if they want a fight they find a better spot."
She thrust her signature flower "Precure! Flower Camelot!~"

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