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Let’s talk about the intimacy and what Newt and Y/N’s fingers have gone through.

How they first touched each other when Newt was walking into the Hogwarts library in front of Y/N and realised she was behind him so both of them grabbed for the closing door.

How they held onto their book tightly dodging the rowdy Quidditch players in the hallway.

How they both waved at each other when the teacher put them beside each other in class, realising they have bumped into each other previously.

How they high-fived when they aced a team project.

How they would near the other’s desk slightly as they got to know each other during hours conversations in class.

How Y/N’s would touch Newt’s arm more often as they grew closer friends.

How Newt’s would grab Y/N’s excitedly and lead her to the forest when she asked him if he knew of any creatures close to the school.

How they would become red and dirty as they began caring for the creatures found in the Forbidden Forest.

How Newt would wipe some dirt off Y/N’s shoulder after a long period of time spent outdoors.

How Y/N’s would go to her eyes to stop the tears from flowing when she found out Newt got expelled.

How Newt’s would find their way in Y/N’s hair as they hugged goodbye.

How they both kept their growing crush on each other secret since their friendship was still fresh.

How Y/N’s would be wrapped around a quill every week writing to Newt.

How Newt’s would be receiving new letters less and less often and soon Y/N and Newt lost contact.

How they rose to their mouths when they recognised each other two years later at the Ministry.

How they grazed each other slightly when they took walks reconnecting.

How Y/N’s cupped Newt’s face during their first kiss.

How Newt’s went directly in her hair and on her back.

How they eventually ended up tangling themselves together as the couple began to grow more serious and held hands.

How Newt’s would go through Y/N’s hair each time they lay together, before going to sleep, or when they were reading.

How Y/N’s would knead all of Newt’s tense muscles from all the book stress.

How Newt’s would tap her knee softly in encouragement when she was nervous.

How Newt’s would engulf Y/N’s cold ones on their countless night-time picnics.

How they held each other during their first time. How Newt’s traced every single bit of Y/N’s body, wanting to feel all of her and discover all of her.

How Y/N’s went to squeeze his golden hair when his were working wonders on her.

How Newt’s gripped the side of the bed in pleasure when Y/N was making love to him with her mouth.

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