Awkward Question

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So here is the next chapter, this will hopfully be funny, and it is quite awrkward.

(this is young Renesmee)

Ness:Auntie Rosie how are babies made?

Rose: Erm..err.. magic

Ness: cool can I make magic?

Rose: Maybe sweetie

Ness: I wanna make magic with Uncle Emmy or Jakey

Rose: You can't

Ness: Why

Rose: Because

Ness: K

(runs of to find Emmett)

Ness: Uncle Emmy?

Emmett: Yer

Ness: how are babies made

Emmett: Well when people love someone they do somthing special

Ness; awesome can we make a bbay

Emmett: one day *winks* maybe... asked jake

Ness: yay oh kk

Emmett: Go to jakey take him to the woods and say this 'daddy says this is you only chance to have sex with me, and get me pregnant. Soo you need to fuck me?

Ness: okay whats sex

Emmett: it doesnt Matter!

Hope you liked it by the way this wasn't my idea!!


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