The Alien Invasion of Griffin Rock

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Boulder and Graham were trying to pull a truck from the edge of a cliff when Veers arrived. She pulled up next to Boulder and aware of Huxley she used her holoform to connect her back two cables to the truck in order to help Boulder. She got inside her vehicle and slowly drove forward which stopped the truck from sliding back any further but it didn't last for long.

The sirens from the others were heard and the two bots holding the truck in place were certainly relieved to hear them.
Heatwave and Kade went to help the man inside the truck whilst Chase held onto Boulder and Blades onto Veers to stop them from sliding backwards.

"I trust your emergency brake is properly engaged, you two." Chase whispered, Boulder agreed quietly but Veers answered with her wheels screeching and smoking from trying to drive full speed forward which ended up destroying her treads so she stopped and put on her emergency brake as Chase suggested in the first place. Blades coughed from the smoke and Veers apologised for the unhelpful action.
The man was pulled safely from the truck and was checked over by Dani, all that was left was the truck and its toxic payload.

Boulder and Veers tried driving forward together in sync and with the help of the others the truck was almost secure until it got knocked about too much. The payload broke apart and headed down the cliff. Chase responded immediately by transforming and racing after the runaway payload over taking it and then transformed, ready to catch it and so he did.
Cody pointed out that no one was driving Chase and Chief Burns could only facepalm at that realisation. Huxley gave the family a scare when he asked about aliens in Griffin Rock, luckily he only meant the square cut grass that wasn't too far away.

Back at the firehouse the bots were waiting for the Chief to come and talk to them about the morning's rescue, Chase being the most anxious about almost blowing their cover. Cody tried to reassure Chase that his dad wasn't mad.

"The Chief has every right to be mad. Tasked with keeping our true identities a secret, I failed miserably. I'm a shameless rebel." Chase protested to Cody's statement.

"Yeah, you are. Didn't know you had it in you." Heatwave playfully slapped him on the back whereas the other bots tried to be helpful in agreeing with Chase's actions. The lift hummed as it signalled the approach of Chief Burns. As soon as the Chief came out Chase knelt to one knee.

"Sir. Slap a wheel boot on me. I deserve nothing less." Chase said expecting punishment.

"I believe that is a little over the top, Chase." Veers said as the Chief walked forward.

"I'm not here to reprimand anyone. I should have made this clear long ago - when lives are at risk, never hesitate to act, even if it means revealing your true identities." The Chief informed the team. Veers decided to really let that sink in.

"Sir, Optimus does not believe humanity is ready for the truth." Chase protested but Chief disagreed with his argument. The other bots took the scenario further picturing what it would be like if they didn't have to pretend to be mindless robots.

"I realise this has been difficult for all of you. But for now, we keep the truth to ourselves. Understood?" The Chief said bringing the bots out of their daydream as they chorused together with a 'yes sir'. Chief Burns praised the team on a job well done and headed off, leaving Heatwave in a minor sulk.

Veers had just finished the last book in the firehouse and decided to head out to the library, before she left she saw Cody wander into the bunker.

"Hey, Cody. Would you like to come to the library with me? I could use the directions." Veers walked up to Cody who agreed to tag along as long as they arrived back in time for a movie.

All the roads looked the same to Veers so she was glad that Cody agreed to come along with her. This was the second time she allowed another person inside her vehicle mode, the first being Frankie to shield her from the flying crustaceans.

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