Author's Note

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Thank you for checking out my new One Shots book.

This will be a little holding pen for a bunch of random plot bunnies and writing exercises...
They will span a variety of RL and AU Harry, in a mix of narratives, and some will be mature. A few may well be extended into longer stories... If so, I'll be sure to link them.

Harry & Eloise will feature in some, but you don't necessarily need to have read It's You to make sense of them - but, of course, I'd love it if you check that story out too!

Disclaimer: I have no rights to the wonderful Mr. Harry Styles or any of his associates. I'm just borrowing him and them as a little inspiration for some innocent creative exploration. As always, I'll try to be as respectful as possible, but please remember these are works of fiction.

The first one shot will be posted very soon...!

Thanks again for checking this out and supporting my work. Please do vote and comment - it means the world to me!
Carrie xx

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