MIAMI, BABY (Harry & Eloise)

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[Third person; present tense; mature]

A/N: Another Harry & Eloise one-shot - hopefully providing a little distraction for you as we eagerly count down to the Grammy's...! Eek, go Harry!!!

With themes of surprises, privacy and exclusivity, this one would technically slot into It's You just after chapter 4.2, when they're on the road during the OTRA tour...

Once again, I've done my best to avoid any spoilers, and you don't have to have read that to make sense of it, but it would help...

As always, thanks for reading, and please remember to vote and comment to let me know what you think?! Xx

15th August 2015

Needing to make the most of his well-rested voice, Harry had to head to Miami a couple of days earlier than Eloise.

With a rare ten day break in the midst of their On the Road Again world tour, they had all scattered after the Baltimore show.

Niall, Louis, Harry and Eloise boarded one jet to LA; whilst Liam and Will headed back to London, dropping Paul in Dublin en route.

Lou, Lux and Lottie made their way to Miami for some downtime in the sun, and it's there that they'd all reconvened for a long weekend, to make headway laying down some of the new album before flying to Columbus, Ohio, on Monday to resume the tour again.

It's their songwriter John and manager Will's birthdays in the week, and none of them needs much of an excuse to party anyway, so Niall and Louis had been making the most of their single status and Miami Beach, and gone big for the last two nights already.

They weren't supposed to go out again last night, but they cracked into the beers at dinner, and then couldn't be dissuaded.

Liam tagged along in a bid to keep them in check and avoid just sitting around, moping over how much he's missing Sophia. He won't see her for another couple of weeks, when she'll fly out to join them on tour for his birthday.

But Harry's not been in the mood without Eloise - who had to stay in LA for another couple of days for a second audition for some more producers. Besides, he's been trying to avoid drinking to protect his voice, and his hay fever seems to have flared up with a vengeance ever since stepping foot off the plane.

With weepy eyes and what feels like a thousand sneezes and a very red nose, he can confirm there's definitely more than just good times and Latin grooves floating on this ocean breeze.

And, dosed up on quite so much Benadryl, he wouldn't dare drink anyway. Hay fever has proved less than ideal whilst trying to lay down vocals, so he's taken to doubling his dose in a bid to knock himself out early for a proper sleep each night.

Non-drowsy hadn't even touched the sides. He's been on the hardcore stuff.


As a result, he feels like he's emerging from the depths of a coma when repeated thumping and hollering disturbs his blissfully drowsy slumber.

The Irish lilt gives away one of two suspects in an instant, and, even in his daze, he's certain it's way too early to be Niall.

"H? I'm coming in!", Paul's meaty fist rains down on his hotel room door again.

Hearing the soft buzz and subsequent click, Harry can only summon a grunt from where he's buried, face down in his pillow.

"H, mate, are you awake?", Paul hisses in a stage whisper, creeping across the dark suite towards the super king bed. "Have you heard from Eloise? I've only just seen a bunch of missed calls, but now she's not answering...? Is everything okay?".

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