A Fight Doesn't Change the Facts

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Justin's POV 

"Justin hurry up we're gona be late" Scooter yelled at me in a hurry. I picked up my duffle bag and headed for the Black SUV taking us to the airport. Today is the day. Today's the day I'm going to see Noelle and win her back. Perfect timing too since Valentines Day is tomorrow. I'm gonna have her and the babies back. 

"where to?" The driver asked. 

"Germany international airport" Scooter said. 

"You got it" The driver said and then headed to the airport. it was about 15 minuetes away. 

"Soon" I thought to myself. Soon they'll be mine. Its still yesterday over in Atlanta. By the time I get there it'll be noon their time. Can't wait! 

Noelle's POV 

I woke up to the soud of someone knoking on my door. I tried to ignore it until this mistery person spoke up. 

"Noelle? Its me" He said. 


I walked over to the door and opened it. 

"Ryan its freaking 3 am! What could you possibly need at this hour" I asked. 

"I couldn't sleep" Ryan shrugged. 

"And? Why are you at the door interrupting my and the babies sleep?" I asked? 

"Im sorry. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out" Ryan said. 

"At 3 am??" I asked again. He must be crazy. 

"Come on. Please" Ryan begged. 

"Ugh fine" I rolled my eyes and then followed him downstairs. He helped me a bit since I'm kinda  23 weeks pregant. 

"Thanks for letting me sleep over by the way" Ryan said. 

"No problem" I said. 

"Now what food do you have in this huge fridge?" Ryan asked. He is right. My fridge is costum built. It takes up a whole wall! Ryan opened the fridge and was disapointed. 

"Seriously? Such a huge fridge and this is all you have?" Ryan asked. All there was was some Organge Juice, Bread, and cream cheese. 

"We always order out" I shrugged. 

"You've been here like 3 weeks and you haven't been to the supermarkert?" Ryan asked in disbelief. 

"I don't like to deal with paparazzi. Plus I know Justin wouldn't want me out alone" I sighed. 

"Then go with Ariana" Ryan said. 

"Double the celebrity means double the paparazzi" I rolled my eyes. 

"How about I go with you" Ryan said. 

"Sure. When?" I asked. 

"Now" Ryan said. 

"What thats crazy! Its freaking three in the morning" I laughed. 

"That just makes it even better. We can go in PJ's and there wont be paps" Ryan said. 

"Is it even open?" I asked. 

"Open 24 hours" Ryan said. 

"Alright lets go" I gave in. Ryan took my hand and walked me to the car. 

"Buckle up" Ryan said. We both put on our seat belts and drove off. I made sure to leave Ariana a note just incase she woke up really early. 

___________________________At the Supermarket_____________________ 

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