Enrieca the story teller's Viewpoint

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There once was a father in a faraway land. He had 3 daughters, Jeanie was 17 with flowing red hair, Mavle was 14 with strawberry blonde hair, and Archinyna was 19 with stunning jet black hair. They had the fairest looking of faces, but one of them did not compliment her outer beauty with her inner beauty, her vanity was overwhelming.  Fair enough, she never let others know this information but heavily looked down upon everyone she came upon, including her own sister's.

According to the townsfolks, they where the nicest and dearest of all people they had encountered. Jeanie loved attending to the flowers and the gardens, Mavle induldged into the musical arts, and Archinyne induldged into fabric work.

Archinyne owned the town's clothing store and always put all her love into making the finest fabrics that could ever be embraced upon one's skin. just touching it alone gave comfort and a gentle warm feeling.

Jeanie's green thumb had her called upon the gardens of many town's folk, for the way she attended to the gardens always made them vibrant and full of life.

Mavile owned the music class of the town, and whenever she taught others how to play said instrument of their choice, they were always filled with such euphoria and inspiration that when they masterd what they came in to learn to play, they left playing with such soul it eased even their own exsistance.

Their father, king Roman, was yet a humble king but very full of pride for his accomplished daughters.
As many tried to ask the hand of each of his daughter's, he always left it up to them if they wanted to accept such proposals. He saw no need for forcefall engagements seeing as his daughter's were very much accomplished in life already.
And, as expected, non of his daughter's accepted any proposal as of this day.

In their spare time, they were given education to feed their minds of knowledgeable rulement seeing as one day one of them would follow in their father's footsteps and rule the throne. they were not made aware of this as to allow them to live a life as they saw fit until that point.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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