Chapter 2

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"Bell say something!"

There was another moment of silence, until she burst out laughing, hysterically

I squinted my eyes at her. i can't believe she's laughing at such a serious situation. Then again i guess it's to be expected from Bell. it had only been 2 hours since that incident and the embarrassment i felt was still there. I didn't wanna feel it. And it really didn't help that Bell was laughing at it all

Finally she cools down. "so tell me what happened after they saw you"

"isn't it obvious. I got up and ran",  suddenly she bursts out in another hysterical laughter.  This time she even fell to the ground

i roll my eyes and threw myself back on the bed, covering my face with the pillow. i just want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Why do i always find myself in the weirdest situations

"ok ok i'm done now, no more laughing. So why did you stay and watch in the first place?", i sighed and removed the pillow from my face. "i-i don't know, i just---", "you just wanted to see some dick".

"what!? no!", "Yes you did, otherwise why would you stay and watch?", as much as i wanted to deny it, she did have a point. Maybe I really did want to see it in action. I'm 21 and still a virgin. I've never even masterbated or even kissed anyone before. i sighed again

"hey it's ok", Bell reassured me, "it's totally normal for people to have sexual feelings towards other people so there's nothing to worry about".

"But what about when i go to work tomorrow? what if i see that guy again? what will i even say to him? He must think i'm a total creep now"

"c'mon relax. If you see him again, just act normal. If he confronts you about it just admit it and tell him you're sorry and make sure to sound genuine in that apology".

"You want me to admit to it!? No way!", "But there's no use denying it, he already saw your face and everything", damn why does she always have to be so right

"Fine then i'll do that", "good. Now go get some rest, It's already 3 a.m".

She tucked me in. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.


i woke up to feel someone shaking my body aggressively. "Allisa, c'mon get up" i slowly opened my eyes to see bell over me trying to get me up

"leave me alone bell, i'm too tired",

"Are you sure?" she asked  "Go away!", i turned and positioned myself to sleep again

"ok.....then i guess i'll just have to eat all this pizza by myself then"

"Wait!", i stopped her and she turned around slowly.  Smiling at her little victory. She always gets me with pizza lol

We sat in the kitchen and ate our pizzas and had a little girl talk.

"oh yh! remember that guy that i wanted to tell you about at the club?", "yh what about him?"

"his name's lucas", she blushed softly. "Ohhhh looks like someone's got a crush", i teased

"i definitely do. we've been texting a lot since we met at the club. He's really funny and nice, and that body", she sighed

"wait you mean you haven't had it with him yet?"


"Now that's unusual, i thought you said you only did one night stands", "i don't know anymore, lucas makes me wanna quit that shit and just be in a relationship again".

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