The Crash

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Hello, this little idea just popped into my head and I decided to write it down. If you think it sucks let me know, if you think I should continue this piece let me know. Enjoy reading!
I'm paying for an ice cream cone to help with the blistering heat. I really can't handle heat as someone who grew up in northern Minnesota.

I'm walking down Pine Ave, which is about a block from my house when I hear a sudden shout. And then something crashes into me.
"Oh my god, are you okay?"

I open my eyes to find an absolute hottie with his face above mine. My eyes visibly widen and I stutter a response of, "Y-yeah."

His face breaks out into an adorable little smile as he wipes backs his curly brown bangs in relief. I suddenly realize how close to each other we are, and not only does this make my heart beat a little faster but we are definitely not six feet apart.

I quickly distance myself from him, as his eyes go from alarm to understanding. "Can't forget about the virus, you'd think I'd be more careful given who my grandfather is."

His grandfather? Am I missing something?

"And who would your grandfather be" I ask out of curiosity.

"Joe Biden." He says looking for my reaction.

My mouth drops open in surprise "You mean the soon to be president of the United States!"

"The very same." He replies smoothly, smiling at my reaction.

"Wow, thats really cool!" I say in amazement.

"Let's go for a walk, he says, gesturing for me to come with him.
After our walk it is beginning to darken outside, and I walk back to my house wondering what the hell just happened.

I just spent the past 2 hours talking with the grandson of the soon to be President. And surprisingly he seemed fairly normal. He told me all about the close bond he shares with his sister Natalie, and how they are on vacation here in California. He actually seemed to be a really nice and sweet guy, but at the same time dead sexy. I can't believe that I now have his phone number and him mine. Could we become friends?

Trust me, I know how incredibly short this is but, I'm not going to spend a whole bunch of time on something that no one is going to read. If you want me to continue leave me a review, if you think it sucks and that I should stop it, leave me a review. Always open to constructive criticism!

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