Inferi [boyxboy]

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Title: Inferi [boyxboy]

Status: Complete

Number of Chapters: 25

Author: rotXinXpieces


[Book 1] in an attempt to escape the police after killing his parents, Adrian finds himself in a world worse than his own. It's definitely not Narnia or Wonderland, he soon realizes as he faces the laws and demons of this new world. A new world called Inferi

[Warning containing graphic adult themes and offensive content] [Trigger Warning: Child abuse, rape]


A/N: If you love Greek mythology and gay boys, then this is the book (s) to read!!! I love love love Rottys books so got dang much❤️!!!! I highly recommend reading these books and if you do read them make sure to read them in order, I REPEAT, READ. THEM. IN. ORDER. (Also this book goes with a series called The Underworld Chronicle's and there are more books after this one but I won't be adding them to the recommendation book because I don't want you guys to accidentally get spoiled but do read these books!!) Bye Peeps!!🏳️‍🌈❤️

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