Chapter 8

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Hey, I won't write too much as last chap ended at kinda a cliffangle so enjoy!



"Wait before I start, I just need to ask you one thing"

"Sure, go ahead Lou"

"I- I just wanna know, um.. Why did you never, you know, stop me from breaking up or even try to. You said you loved me... didn't you? " my voice cracking as my eyes swell up.

"Louis what the heck ?! Do you seriously believe that ?" hurt now glistened in his eyes.

"I don't know Haz. You tell me. Why did you never even call ?"

"Because Loueh you idiot, I just thought, for once in your life, you're finally doing something for yourself. I just assumed you were under way too much pressure and so much was happening in your life that you needed a break from at least one of them. Why do you think I didn't ?! "

"I- I thought because you weren't bound to me anymore. Why would you want to pursue me when you could be with anyone, hold whoever's hand in public and no longer live in secret."

"I don't even know what to say to you Louis. I'm just heartbroken that you feel this way. We may not be as close now but you were supposed to know me" He said, breaking down at the end.

* He never calls me "Louis" unless he's really hurt. I- I don't know what to do. What have I done, oh god. I just wanna hug him and just get lost in his touch again. But I know we need to clear this now. There's clearly a misunderstanding. It needs to end. *

"What else am I supposed to feel when you pretend like you don't even care that I broke up with you Haz ? I get your reason, I know but you could have at least shown you care. It's been a month and we haven't talked at all. You said you loved me. I guess, clearly not. "

"Louis, baby, we need to clear this okay ? It took all of me to pretend I didn't care but the only reason was If I showed you how much It truly broke me, you would feel guilty and worse than you probably already did and I didn't want that. I never wanted to tell you this but since you're doubting me, I wish you would have seen me this month. Ask me mum, I was just locked up in my room, crying the entire time, trying to think of ONE other reason why you would break up with me. I assumed it was the pressure but I could have helped you with it. We were happy. Sure, I wasn't allowed to tell the whole world you're mine but you were mine and that's all that mattered to me. So when you decided that won't work for you anymore, you could have at least told me why. "

"You wanna know why Haz ?"

"Yeah, I really do"

"I didn't want to tell you but since it has clearly affected our entire relationship, it's because if I didn't break up with you, they would have put you in a relationship just like Eleanor and I."

"Wait what ? That's not a reason Lou, you know I would have happily done it if it meant I'm still with you"

"I know you would have Haz. That's the problem. Don't you get it ? I fucking love you. I would never let you go through what I go through everyday."


He swung his arms around me and just silently sobbing on my shoulders

"Lou.. baby, I'm so sorry" he sniffed

I realised what had just slipped out of my mouth. Shit.

"Hey, it's not that Haz. I am happy to do it because I love you and want to be with you no matter what." I said as I held his arms and looked into his tearful eyes.

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