Just The Two Of Us

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"Iced mocha!"

Millie's eyes scanned the place quickly before she gave a smile to the girl who rushed forward for her drink.

"Thank you, have a nice day!" Millie spoke with a bit too much enthusiasm. How could she not be excited? A weekend away with her favorite person? It was something she needed, honestly.

She turned around and started to make another drink quickly, her entire body being focused on her tasks. Her hands moved fast and her eyes moved quicker as she went from reading orders to crafting them quickly.

"Iced coffee with coconut milk!" Millie looked up as she yelled out the somewhat familiar order and her eyes lit up immediately as they landed on Finn.

He gave a big smile and reached for his drink as Millie came around the counter.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you can't bring them in here," She scolded him as Moody and Oatie jumped at her excitedly.

"Your manager loves them, how could he say no?" Finn scoffed.

She squatted down and held their faces in her hands while talking gibberish in a higher pitched voice. A fond smile made its way to Finn's lips as he watched her interact with the dogs excitedly.

"Plus, I'm about to drop them at my moms so they wanted to say goodbye to their own mom before they spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa."

Millie's bottom lip popped out and she looked at the two with a sad face. She hadn't been away from the two for more than a couple hours while she worked. Ever since they got the two they had spent every single day with them. An entire weekend was a big deal for them.

"They'll be okay," Finn rolled his eyes and Millie sighed.

She placed a kiss on each of the dogs' heads and then stood up again.

"None for me?" Finn joked.

"You are such a baby," Millie laughed before pulling him to her by the collar of his shirt. Her lips landed on his and they both smiled into the kiss, their laughs mixing together as they pulled apart but stayed close to each other.

"I'll see you after work?" Finn practically whispered as their eyes held contact.

Millie nodded slightly, "I'll be here waiting."

Finn let out a breath, "Can't wait."

They stood like that for a couple seconds. Their bodies were close and their faces were closer. Time had stopped momentarily as they basked in the world that just the two of them were able to enjoy together. Something about being so close was sacred in the way that they could relish in only each other without any distractions. Their own little world that only they understood.

"I have to get back to work."

Finn nodded and coughed awkwardly as Millie backed up. He tugged the dog's leashes lightly and started towards the door, his head turning back every few seconds to look at his girl. She backed up some more, her own eyes watching the lanky man get through the shop. It wasn't until her back thumped against the counter that she looked away.

Finn laughed and covered his mouth as he shook his head. He was out the door quickly then and Millie's cheeks heated up in embarrassment before she got back behind the counter and started to wash her hands.

She couldn't help but turn into mush around him, even after all this time. Her eyes glanced to the side momentarily to see if anyone had noticed her bumping into the counter. A smile grew quickly and she sighed as she dried her hands off.

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