pt. 3 Kitsune

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Okay I'll be for real the last story I was write I felt sleepy Because it was night but this time im wide awake
Once upon a time there is a guy named Y/N he was a decent guy not too bad not too good just right at the middle however he did caught the eye of a Kitsune named Casey she was a pretty powerful magic user but in physical combat she's decent and she was also beautiful to boot anyways she has her eye on Y/N and soon they were girlfriend, boyfriend and live in a nice house it wasn't like a mansion it was a decent house and Casey was happy with her life but when did it all began well

5 years flashback

A small fox was injured by the leg she was cornered by a wolf obviously she was immobile but before it could strike she was defended by a kid with a homemade shield ish it was made of from a piece of roof and tape the wolf's claw was ineffective against steel the kid pushed back using the shield as a weapon and then he struck the wolf at the side leaving a scar from the sharp part of the shield the wolf retreated in the forest meanwhile with the kid he brought the injured fox to his home over time the kid got his parents to help rejuvenate the fox and let him keep it under the condition that he takes full responsibility of her so for 2 years he was the one who fed her bathe her and made bedding for her in return the fox was fond of the kid this kid was Y/N he was a nice kid and plenty of people like him but soon the fox was missing Y/N was depressed for a couple of days before he got over the lost for 3 years she was gone until today she reunited with him and revealed that her name was Casey and she was the fox Y/N was so fond of

End flashback

Now that leads us today life as good Y/N was a merchant he would get shipments and since he was at a popular city he had a lot customers buy his stuff and life was good he had a nice income but things take a turn for the worse on one day

It was the morning sky and Y/N has gotten ready to go

Y/N: welp see ya later sweetie love you

Casey: Goodluck on your work oh and also let me cast a special spell on you
Close your eyes

Y/N closed his eyes and then he felt a kiss on his forehead

Casey: Have fun dear

Y/N set out to do his work for her meanwhile she was the one who cleans and stuff but soon she ran out of things to do so she went to the bar to get a drink but then after she drank a man approached her he was bulkier built for strength and the guy sat next to her before she could talk she suddenly felt hot he then spoke

Douchebag: Hey you wanna have sex

Casey: What? No ofcourse not I have a boyfriend!!

Then she felt more hot and horny then the guy started to grope her breast she was unable to resist since the aphrodisiac she just drank was pretty powerful

Douchebag: He doesn't need to know

Casey: N-no stop

His hand slithered to her groin and then soon he managed to move her to a private room and then you know the rest she starts to like him and yada yada

With Y/N

Was riding a cart he was the guy who made the horses move he met up with another merchant Harold he was a fast runner (actually in real life im a fast runner I can catch up with someone my own age in a long run race as long as it's straight) ever since he was kid he always won at races but anyway they took a break Y/N ate lunch made by casey Harold ate a sandwich he bought at a store called sobway they talked and stuff

Back with Casey

In a private room Casey was being fucked and she was beginning to secretly like it

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