The Well 🕳️

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So i was in my house watching "IT" on the TV, and i was kinda bored cuz the movie finished so i had nothing else to do. I soon decided to have a little walk out, and explore my town a bit.

As i was going out i heard screams coming out somewhere, i got scared but at the same time i wanted to know what's going on, because i had nothing else to do.

I continued walking and the screams became louder and louder and i heard someone said "Help" and i just went to the place that they were shouting at.

I soon reached the place and went through this forest kind of place and saw this hole, a big hole and then i heard someone saying in the hole "Hello is anyone here?" i was scared at first but i replied back and said "Uh hello?".

Then the person said "Oh thank goodness, please help us were stuck in this fucking well"

I came closer to the person, and i saw two boys stuck in the well. They looked up and saw me. Soon the younger one said "Can you please help us" then i said "Uhh yeah but how?"

The boy asked "Do you have a rope? , like a long one?" I was thinking for a while and said "uh no sorry, but is there anywere i can find one?"

He then said "look around you, you might find one"  "Ok" was all i answered.

I looked everywhere through the leafs and and i turned around and saw a long rope on a tree and i told them "Hey guys i have found the rope, but the problem its on a tree and its kind of high..."

The oldest boy said "just use your move your fucking body and climb that damn tree" in a annoyed tone
Soon the brother of the oldest boy said"Stop your being mean, be happy she's here... Sorry...uh" and i cut him of and said "Y/n" "oh yeah sorry Y/n, Matt is always like that but don't worry about that"

"ok" i said i climbed up the tree and i was almost aboit to fall and i said "Woah... Uh this is scary" "be careful" the yound one said. As soon as he said that i got confidence and got the rope and got back down.

"Okay i got it." i said. "Great, now tie a knot to the nearest tree but tie the knot very tight" Matt's brother said
"Done" i said, "ok we'll come" the young brother said

First the older brother came up and reached the land and next came the second one.

"thanks" was all Matt said
"thank you Y/n, you helped us and saved our lives. What can we do for you?" the Second one said
"oh that was nothing dont worry by the way whats your name?" i said
"Joey..., and thats Matt" he said
"oh yes, well nice to meet you Joey, nice to meet you Matt" i said while sticking my hand out from them to shake it and Joey said"nice too meet you too" but Matt just shaked my hand but he didn't said anything.

I saw that Joey face looked like he got hit very hard and he had some blood on his face

I asked Joey "hey Joey what happend? how did you guys fall down the well and why does it look like your hurt?

He was silent for a second but then he started by saying" oh long story but im fine thanks"

"We have to go" Matt said "Oh ok well we can meet an other time if you want" i asked then Matt was about to say something and then Joey cut him of my saying "uh yeah sure, of course"
"Thanks" was all i said. Soon as they said that Matt and Joey left and i just stood there and looking around this place and then i came closer to the well and i was at the edge of the big hole. Then soon after i was about to fall but i felt a hand grabed mine and i turned my head around and i saw Joey grabbing me because i was about to fall.

"Omg Joey, thank you" i said then he said"woah be careful" while pulling me back "i thought your going home" i said "i did but then i just wanted to thank you one last time and wanted to know where you live so we can hang out" he said "oh yes but know i must say thabk you to you because you cached me when i was about to fall" then he just chukled a bit and then it was silent so i broke the awkwardness and said "oh and by he way i live at (your adress)".

"Ok thanks, well now i actally gotta go and thank you bye" Joey said "Byeee and thank youu" i said

I went home amd and i layed on my bed thinking about Joey about how gorgeous he was but i soon fell asleep.


I woke up and thought about yesterday.

I got up and took a quick shower and i put my outfit on (you can choose your outfit) and i headed down stairs to eat my breakfast.

I then heard a door bell and i just ignored it because my mom was gonna get it anyway and then i heard my mom say "Y/n come here your friend camed here to say hello"

i rushed to the front door and i saw Joey "Oh hi Joey how are you?" i asked

"im good and you?" Joey said
"Yeah im good thanks... Oh sorry come in" i said and Joey entered my house.

"Hey come upstairs to my room" i said while grabbing his hand and rushing to my room.

We entered my room and it looked like this

"Wow" he said. "ha well its no that amazing i guess" i said "no actally its beautiful" Joey said "Aw thank you" i said.

He sat on my bed and we looked at each other and then i realised that were looking for too lond so i broke the silence by saying"soo... Uhh have any friends? "" actually no" he said in a sad tone.

I came to sit next to him and said"oh don't worry i will be your friend and i also dont have any friends so yeah" "Really?!" he said in a happy choking tone "yes" i said


I talked to Joey and we know each other better, its like were already best friends. We had so much fun but i wished he could stay here forever with me.

"Well i gotta go, Matt will be angry if i dont come back in time, but it was nice hanging out with you" Joey said

"same, well... Bye have a good day" i said and then he left and i was bored af


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