MALFOY and...Ron?

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Hellllooooo peeps! THAAAAANK YOUUU SOOOO MUUCH FOR ALL YOUR REVIEWS! I am sorry I haven't updated, I've been crazy busy with collge applications and my email was hacked for a while so I didn't know if people actually liked the story. Anyway here are two chapters to make up for it. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I wish I did but we all wish for many things right? The author is the great J.K. Rowling. Not me...unfortunetly.

By the way "" these will be used for speech. And '' these are for thoughts. Just to make it clear

"There's a fine line between love and hate"Cecilia Ahern

Draco POV

Hermione stomped to what I guess was her room, red in the face from either anger, embarrassment, or both. I followed her until she reached the door and turned around.

"I can dress myself Malfoy," she said, sounding severely annoyed.

"Awww, really? And there I was hoping of playing dress up with my betrothed."

"Erghh! Just get OUT!" she yelled frustratedly.

"Can I at least pick out your outfit?" Granger gave me a death glare.

"Hey, no need to get moody. We all know you have bad fashion sense," I smirked. 3…2…1…

"GET OUT JUST GET OUT BEFORE I THROW YOU OUT, YOU GIT!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Someone's PMS-ing…"

'SLAM!' Granger banged the door shut in my face. My nose was only inches away from being crushed.

"Well, at least she didn't punch me like in third year," I thought out loud, whilst stalking back to the coffee table and looking around the muggle apartment. There were a lot of pictures of her and 'the boy who just wouldn't die' and, of course, the Weasel. There was one of them holding hands, looking at each other like they were the only ones in the world.

'Weren't they a couple…I need to ask Hermione about that', I thought. I felt something inside me rumble. It felt like jealousy but less…hurtful. Maybe I just didn't want to share my future wife with someone even if it was…Granger. Mrs. Malfoy couldn't have an affair. That was my job.

Looking around some more I started to notice more things. The whole apartment was so…muggle. And of course more pictures were splattered on the walls. Muggle pictures. I didn't understand the concept of them. They didn't move so what was the point of keeping them? Muggle things alone were scary. I mean why go through all that effort if you have magic?

'These things are definitely not entering my house.'

Hermione POV

'Do I really have to marry that git', I thought whilst brushing my hair.

'This all wouldn't have happened if Ron…', I stopped my thoughts.

You see EVERYONE knew that Ron and I wouldn't end up together at the end. Yes, we fought… A LOT. But everyone called it a lover's quarrel. I waited for ages and after the kiss we shared, I was sure. But of course, it was MY bad luck.


"Hey 'Mione, I wanted to tell you something important."

I tried not to show how excited I was for this moment. Ron booked a romantic dinner especially for the two of us…JUST the two of us. He wanted to talk about something special. And what's more important than OUR relationship?

"…and that is why we are going to America next week." Ron ended.

"I am sorry, what?" I asked confused.

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